Power Rings
Dragonball ZT RPG
Grants the wearer access to the Purifying Thunderstorm technique.
Purifying Thunderstorm - Ki Technique
Single Shot, Area of Effect (All Combatants)
2,500 ki attack that causes a huge thunderstorm and everyone takes damage. (Roll 1D6 - If the user rolls a 1, they take damage as well).
Grants the wearer access to the Flame Tornado technique. The wearer takes double damage from the Water Power Ring.
Flame Tornado - Ki Technique
Steady Stream, Area of Effect, After Effect (3D6)
An explosive, cascading tornado of flame erupts at the target, causing 3D6 burns that last for 2 phases, ignoring Defense.
Grants the wearer access to the Frost Blast technique. The wearer takes double damage from the Fire Power Ring.
Frost Blast - Ki Technique
Steady Stream, Homing, After Effect (Freeze)
An icy blast of sky blue energy tracks a target, enveloping and potentially freezing them for a full phase (6 or less rolled on 2D6).
Grants the wearer access to the Hydro Kick technique. The wearer takes double damage from the Wood Power Ring.
Hydro Kick - Fighting Technique
+ 2x Hit, - Damage
A rapid fire set of kicks that knocks the opponent on their back.
Grants the wearer access to the Smash Quaker technique. The wearer takes double damage from the Ice Power Ring.
Smash Quaker - Fighting Technique
+ 2x Hit, - Damage
Grab the opponent and slam them into the ground.
Grants the wearer access to the Wooden Hammer technique. The wearer takes double damage from the Ground Power Ring.
Wooden Hammer - Fighting Technique
- 1/3x Hit, + Damage
A HUGE, double fist slam from above that drives the opponent into the ground. More effective in the air (+25% dice).