Dragonball ZT RPG


Built using a combination of artificial and biological parts, they can heal and grow just like a Human.

Androids cannot generate and use ki like humanoids, though some models can capture ki and convert it to energy they can use. They do not register on Scouters, nor will they alert anyone using Sense Power. They cannot learn or use ki techniques like humanoids; they are limited to the weapons and defenses built into them. All Androids possess the following qualities:

  • Unstoppable: Androids are very tough and hard to destroy. They can take catastrophic damage and keep coming. Even when they're disabled or shut down, they can be repaired and returned to full operation. Android characters begin with double the normal Hits (x20) and Defense (x10). When an Android is reduced to zero or less Hits, the player may make a choice. The Android is either unconscious, like a normal character, or it is dismembered/disassembled and conscious, the head still being able to talk and give advice.
  • Immunity: Androids are immune to the effects of cold, heat, fire, or lack of oxygen. Although Androids have no need for food, they are still able to eat any and may even enjoy the taste.
  • Repairs: No matter how much damage the Android takes, short of complete destruction, it can be repaired in a laboratory. Although Androids make use of many biological parts, they don't heal like a normal human. So while a human might recuperate in a hospital or in a bed, the Android can only recover lost Hits through repair.
  • No Ki: Androids cannot be sensed through scouters or by sensing ki. Conversely, most Androids cannot sense ki.
In addition, the player is also able to select 1-6 special abilities from the following list:
  • Absorption/Fusion: The Android has the ability to absorb other Androids, or even inanimate machines, into its being.
  • Additional Limbs: These limbs allow the Android to pick up one extra object per limb, or to make one additional attack for every pair of additional limbs, up to a total of 10 limbs.
  • Armor: 50 dice is automatically negated from all hand-to-hand damage. Ki damage is unaffected. The effects of this special ability are cumulative and may be chosen multiple times.
  • Barrier Field: The Android is able to project a 10 ki Deflection. Unlike a normal Deflection, the Barrier Field fully encloses the Android, protecting from all directions. Physical damage from hand-to-hand attacks is unaffected. The effects of this special ability are cumulative and may be chosen multiple times.
  • Drain Ki: The Android can drain ki from a target (see below).
  • Energy Blasts: The Android is able to fire 10 ki Energy Blasts from its hands and/or fingers (or perhaps even its mouth). The effects of this special ability are cumulative and may be chosen multiple times.
  • Enhanced Senses: The Android has superior audio, visual, and/or olfactory pickups, allowing for enhanced hearing, vision, and smell. The Android can hear in the ultrasonic range, can see in the infrared and ultraviolet, and can detect living beings by smell alone. The Android may even be able to sense ki.
  • Exotic Movement: The Android has the ability to move freely through a normally restricted medium. Examples include under water, under ground, through walls, etc. The Android still moves at its normal Movement rate unless it also possesses the Superspeed ability.
  • Eye Lasers: The Android is able to fire 10 ki Energy Blasts from its eyes. The effects of this special ability are cumulative and may be chosen multiple times.
  • Hell's Flash: The Android is able to fire a 50 ki Energy Blast but must re-charge for 1-6 phases after each attack (see below). The effects of this special ability are cumulative and may be chosen multiple times.
  • Holographic Generator: The Android may generate a single visual copy of itself. This ability is functionally identical to the After Image technique.
  • Hypnosis: The Android may attempt to mesmerize its opponent. The Android compares its Mind AT. If the Android's total is higher, the target is hypnotized for 1-6 phases. The hypnotized target may not act and their Combat is halved for the purposes of reactions.
  • Interface: The Android has the ability to communicate with and take control of any computer or computerized device. The Android compares its Mind AT to a DV set by the GM. If the Android succeeds, the computer is under the Android's control for 1-6 phases.
  • Invisibility: The Android can generate a cloaking field that renders it effectively invisible. An invisible Android cannot be seen or attacked, but their presence can be sensed if the opponent passes a Mind AT against a DV of 30. An invisible Android can be sensed automatically by an opponent with Enhanced Senses. The opponent may attack the invisible Android if they pass a Mind AT against a DV of 50.
  • Radio Communication: The Android may silently communicate with other similarly equipped Androids. This ability is functionally identical to telepathy, except the Android may also broadcast to normal radio receivers.
  • Regeneration: The Android may regenerate lost Hits. 10 Hits may be regenerated for a cost of 10 ki.
  • Rocket Punch: The Android may launch its hands from its wrists, allowing it to make a hand-to-hand attack from range (see below). The hands must be manually re-attached after each firing.
  • Secret Weapons: The Android's limbs conceal blades, spikes, stingers, or some other kind of melee weapon. These weapons add 10 dice of damage to any hand-to-hand attack.
  • Shape Change: The Android may alter its shape but not size. The Android may change appearance, or may become a large functional object like a pair of scissors, an electric fan, a bat, or other animal. The Android may not, however, change into a weapon or means of defense, nor may the shape possess additional functional limbs. However, when combined with the Armor, Extra Limbs, or Secret Weapons special abilities, the Android may become, create, and/or hide such items at will.
  • Spawn Juniors: The Android may create 1-6 smaller duplicates of itself (see below).
  • Splitting: The opposite of absorption, the Android may split itself into 2-7 identical copies of itself. This special ability is functionally identical to the Multiple Image power.
  • Super Speed / Flight: The Android has the ability to fly or run at supersonic speeds. If used for flight or running, the special ability is functionally identical to Super Speed / Flight.
  • Teleport: The Android may instantaneously travel between two points without covering the intervening distance. This special ability is functionally identical to the Instant Transmission technique.
  • Unlimited Power Supply: The Android has a nearly limitless source of energy, though the amount of ki it can possess at any given moment is limited to its Power total x5.

Absorb / Convert Power
Any time an opponent uses a ki technique on the Android, the Android can absorb it and turn it into available ki. There is no limit to the amount of ki absorbed, but the Android must be aware of and facing its attacker, and must block the attack at a -3 penalty. Alternatively, if the Android captures its opponent in a hold maneuver, it can drain ki from its opponent at a rate equal to 20% its Power total. Once the held victim is out of ki, the Android can drain Hits until the victim is dead.

Androids using either technique must Power Up to access this ki, and can only gather as much ki at any given time as their Power total * 5 before their capacitors max.

  • Example: Android Bob's Power Supply is getting low; it's down to 10 ki. Bloggins throws a 50 ki Super Beam Attack. Android Bob successfully blocks and absorbs the attack, adding 50 ki to its failing supply. The Android now has 60 ki available. Later, Android Bob grabs Bloggins in a hold maneuver and begins absorbing his remaining ki. Android Bob can absorb 20% of his Power total in ki per phase.

Hell's Flash
Hell's Flash is fired by removing your hands and firing a deadly blast out of your wrists. 1 ki per 10 dice of damage.

Rocket Punch
Launch your fists from your arms, enabling you to punch at a distance. The hand can be re-attached after firing.

A self-destruct bomb will automatically inflict 1,000 dice of damage to all targets within 10 km.

Absorption (Cell)
Cell's Absorption technique adds the victim's Power Level to his own. This effect is cumulative. Absorbing a single average ordinary person will raise Cell's Power Level by 1-6.

In addition to the victim's abilities, Cell also absorbs their knowledge and experiences. Everything the victim was or did becomes a part of Cell.

Cell must successfully impale his target with the tip of his tail. The tail then sucks the life out of the target for an amount of time depending on the target's Power Level. After the absorption, nothing is left but the victim's clothes.

Target's Power Level: 1-100 100-1,000 1,000-10,000 10,000-100,000 100,000-1,000,000 More than 1,000,000
Time to Absorb Target: Instant 1 full Phase 2 full Phases 3 full Phases 4 full Phases 5 full Phases

The victim may attempt to break free each Phase by beating Cell in a contested Body AT. If the victim breaks free, Cell has managed only to drain a portion of their ki, and an amount of Hits equal to the fraction of how long they were held compared to how long Cell needed to drain them.

  • Example: Cell required 5 full phases to drain Piccolo, but he only got 1 phase complete before Piccolo broke free. Piccolo loses 1/5 of his total ki and Hits.
  • Note: Cell cannot replenish spent ki per Round in the way a normal warrior can. Cell must absorb more victims to replenish his ki.

Power Mimicry (Cell)
Cell can absorb ki techniques. In order to use his ability, Cell must simply touch the target while they are using the technique and make a Hard (18) DV Mental + 3D6 roll. Once learned, Cell may use the new technique as part of his standard repertoire of abilities.

Evolution (Cell)
Evolution works much like becoming a Super Saiyan. Each stage has prerequisites that must be met prior to Evolution.

  • Stage 1: Larval
    • Prerequisites: Power Level of 0 to 9.
    • Benefit: Can lie dormant indefinitely.
  • Stage 2: Reptilian
    • Prerequisites: Power Level of 0 to 99, Everyday (14) DV Power skill check.
    • Benefit: The ability to move around and absorb small animals.
  • Stage 3: Imperfect Cell
    • Prerequisites: Power Level over 100, Competent (18) DV Power skill check.
    • Benefit: Humanoid Form, Power Level multiplies by 10, and Characteristics, Hits, Defense, and Skills + 100%.
  • Stage 4: Perfect Cell 1
    • Prerequisites: Absorption of one Android, Heroic (22) DV Power skill check.
    • Benefit: Humanoid Form, Power Level multiplies by 2, Hits, Defense and Skills double, and Characteristics + 20%.
  • Stage 5: Perfect Cell 2
    • Prerequisites: Absorption of both Androids, Incredible (26) DV Power skill check.
    • Benefit: Humanoid Form, Power Level multiplies by 2, Hits, Defense and Skills double, and Characteristics + 20%.
Cell may voluntarily devolve into a lower stage simply by releasing an amount of power until he no longer meets the requirements of his current Stage.
  • Example: Stage 3 Imperfect Cell with 10,000 Power Level may release all but 9 Power Level to devolve to his Stage 2 Reptilian form, or he may instead choose to completely devolve back to his larval stage, encasing himself in a hard egg until he chooses to re-evolve into his reptilian stage.

Zone of Destruction (Cell)
The sheer power of Perfect Cell is illustrated by the fact that wherever he goes, weak objects simply crumble and disintegrate. Walls, ceilings, floors, desks, everything within 1-2 meters of Cell simply crumbles as he nears it. This is mostly just flashy effect, but if you want to get technical, anything within 1-2 meters of Cell automatically takes 10 dice of damage. People can dodge the effects if they pass an Everyday (14) DV Evasion AT.

Super Regeneration (Cell)
Cell can spend 10 ki to regenerate 10 Hits of damage. In addition, he can suffer Hits below zero that would normally kill or incapacitate a normal person. Even if Cell suffers enough damage to reduce him to -1,000 Hits, he can spend ki to regenerate. While below zero, Cell can take no action and appears to anyone who investigates to be dead. Beyond -500 Hits, Cell will appear to be completely obliterated, but the tiny core of his being still exists and can still regenerate. Cell must concentrate for a complete Phase to regenerate.

If Cell is ever reduced below -1,000 Hits, the miniscule core of his being is destroyed and he can no longer regenerate himself.

Cell Jr. (Cell)
Each of these copies is a savage near-mindless drone that blindly follows Cell's commands. Due to their savagery, they are immune to techniques like Mind Control or Telepathy.

To create these clones, Cell simply spends ki to spawn them, spitting them out of his flared stinger. Each one of the clones costs 10% Maximum Power total and requires 1 phase to spawn. Once spawned, the clones are instantly able to fight.

Self-Destruction (Cell)
Each phase he expands, the dice of damage done by his explosion doubles. Any attack that causes damage during his expansion will set off the explosion. The explosion automatically does damage to all targets within an area of effect equal to the dice of damage in meters with no chance to react. Everything beyond that but out to that range in kilometers may attempt to react and avoid damage.

Phases Dice Radius, no Reaction Radius, Reaction Destroys
1 100 100 m 100 km Medium ship, several skyscrapers
2 200 200 m 200 km Large ship, several city blocks of skyscrapers
3 400 400 m 400 km Huge ship (aircraft carrier), typical town
4 800 800 m 800 km Small moon, huge city, rocky mountains
5 1,600 1,600 m 1,600 km Large moon or small planet (Pluto)
6 3,200 3,200 m 3,200 km Earth
7 6,400 6,400 m 6,400 km Neptune
8 12,800 12,800 m 12,800 km Jupiter
9 25,600 25,600 m 25,600 km The Sun
10 51,200 51,200 m 51,200 km The entire Solar System

  • Example: Should Cell self-destruct at level 5, everything within 1,600 meters automatically takes damage. Everything out to 1,600 kilometers takes damage if they fail to evade.
Interestingly, under certain circumstances Cell is able to survive his own self-destruction. If he explodes with 4 phases or less of expansion, he won't do enough damage to himself to destroy his core, and he will be able to regenerate.

*Rules are subject to change at any time, with or without notice*