Dragonball ZT RPG


Everyday Earthlings of all types, including humanoid animals.

Untapped Potential
Unlike all other species, Humans have an innate potential that can be cultivated by the various masters throughout the universe. When a human meets one of these masters, they are guaranteed to have their inner strength able to be awakened. For humans, it is therefore prudent for them to seek out the various masters spread throughout the universe and Other World if they are to keep up with the other species and their various specialties.

Ultimate Form
If a Human is able to accomplish the incredible feat of tapping into the power of the gods, they are able to access their ultimate potential, multiplying their Power Level by an incredible 1,000 times, and increasing their Physical and Combat by 10,000%. The following conditions must apply:

Power Level Ki Mental Physical Combat Move Skills Defense Hits
Ultimate Form Base * 1,000 Base + 1,000% Base Base + 10,000% Base + 10,000% Base Base Base Base

*Rules are subject to change at any time, with or without notice*