Dragonball ZT RPG

Damage & Defense Techniques

Energy Blasts
Every 1 ki placed into an Energy Blast causes 10 dice of damage. The Base DV for an Energy Blast is +1 for every 1 ki.

  • Note: Energy Blasts can be single shot, or a steady stream. If the latter, the attacker rolls to hit normally the first phase, then adds +1 to hit each subsequent phase.
Hitting the Target: You not only have to roll to see if you can activate a technique, but also if you hit the target.

Special Effects: An Energy Blast can be shaped or given special abilities.

Effect Cost
Homing +1 DV per +1 to your AT to hit
Can be added "on the fly"
Bending +5 DV per bend, up to 90 degrees (can shoot around corners)
Area Effect +2 DV per Move from attack center (can hit everything in that area)
Delay +2 DV per phase delayed
Rapid Fire +2 DV for each additional target you fire at
Can be added "on the fly"
Deadly Effect +1 DV for every 20 dice of Deflection negated, and will negate 20 points of Defence if no Deflection exists
Continuous Fire Up to 1/2 initial ki per phase without re-rolling to hit, but suffer -50% to all reactions while active
After Effect +1 DV per 5 ki up to 1/2 initial ki for one additional phase without re-rolling to hit
Immobilization +1 DV per +1 IS

Causes the target to stick to one spot, unable to move or get away. It can be ice forming around the target, purple energy, red webbing, etc. The effect is the same: the target remains frozen in place.

The attacker announces the ki of the attack and the IS. Each point of IS increases the DV by 1. The attacker rolls a Power AT against the target; success captures them. On their action, the target must roll a Body AT vs the IS + the Attacker's Power AT.

The target cannot attack or defend while immobilized. The Immobilizing effect can be attacked by other characters who are unaffected. If the Immobilizing effect takes its IS * 10 Hits of damage, it is destroyed. The Immobilizing effect takes any damage the held character takes.

The Immobilization effect remains until either the attacker releases the victim, the victim escapes, or the Immobilization effect is destroyed.

  • Example: Mike fires his Webbite technique at Joe. The attack causes no damage, but has 12 IS. The technique costs no ki but has a DV of 12. Mike wins the attack roll and Joe is captured. On Joe's action, Joe tries to break free, rolling his Body AT vs the IS + Mike's Power AT. Joe does not win and remains ensnared until his next action.

Deflections stop ki techniques only, from one direction (either in front or behind). Subtract 1 ki from your opponent's ki technique for every 1 ki in the Deflection. The DV for a deflection is +1 for every 1 ki.

  • Example: Joe creates a 10 ki Deflection. Up against a 15 ki Super Beam Attack, it would reduce the attack by 10, leaving only 5 ki (or 50 dice of damage) remaining.
Once established, a Deflection remains until it is knocked down by a superior ki technique, dropped by the person who raised it, or the person who raised it is hit by a physical attack, like a weapon or hand-to-hand blow.

If a Deflection is higher than the ki technique it's deflecting, the excess Deflection is turned into a Reflection, up to the ki of the attack.
  • Example: Bloggins attacks Joe with a 10 ki Super Beam Attack. Joe responds with a 15 ki Deflection. 5 points Reflect back on Bloggins. Even if Joe managed to throw up a 30 ki Deflection, only 10 points would Reflect back on Bloggins.
Normal Deflections protect from only one direction, either in front or behind, however you can protect from both directions with a Full Deflection. The DV for a Full Deflection is +2 for every 1 ki.

Iron Skin
Iron Skin stops physical techniques only, from one direction (either in front or behind). Subtract 10 dice from your opponent's physical technique for every 1 ki in the Iron Skin. The DV for an iron skin is +2 for every 1 ki as a Body AT.

Once established, Iron Skin remains until it is knocked down by a superior physical technique, dropped by the person who raised it, or the person who raised it is hit by a ki attack.

If Iron Skin is higher than the physical technique it's stopping, the excess Iron Skin is turned against the attacker, up to the total of the attack.

Normal Iron Skin protects from only one direction, either in front or behind, however you can protect from both direction with a Full Iron Skin. The DV for a Full Iron Skin is +4 for every 1 ki as a Body AT.

Counterblasts / Beam Battles
Stopping an Energy Blast by hitting it with your own. Roll your Power AT vs the opponent's Power AT. If you succeed, you manage to create your attack in time, and the weaker Energy Blast cancels its dice from the stronger, similar to a Deflection.

  • Example: Joe fires a 20 ki Destructo Disk at Bloggins. Bloggins reacts and Counterblasts with his own 22 ki Super Beam Attack. Joe rolls a Power AT equalling 10, and Bloggins rolls a Power AT equalling 12. Bloggins succeeds, and a 2 ki Super Beam Attack hits Joe for 20 dice of damage.
If both Energy Blasts are steady streams, both remain active as a Beam Battle! So long as the steady stream is maintained, this continues until one of the blasts is either discontinued or hits its target.

In order to move the center-point, your Energy Blast must be at least equal to the strength of the opponent's Energy Blast. Otherwise, the center-point will only move on your opponent's action. The center-point of the blasts will creep towards either fighter at a rate equal to the difference in AT in Move per action.
  • Note: In addition to the above rolls to move the center-point, your Energy Blast activation will continue to increase in DV by +1 per phase. Beam Battles can become very difficult to maintain!
  • Example: Mike has a Power total of 150, and Stripe has a Power total of 114. Mike fires a 20 ki Dark Energy Blast at Stripe. Stripe reacts and Counterblasts with his own 22 ki Feline Force Strike. Mike rolls a Power AT equalling 25, and Stripe rolls a Power AT equalling 26. Stripe succeeds, and the center-point of the Beam Battle creeps 1 Move closer to Mike. Next phase, Mike uses four more ki and increases his attack to 24 ki total to overcome Stripe's attack, with a DV of 25 to activate. Mike rolls a Power AT of 30 against Stripe's 24, and the center-point of the Beam Battle now shifts 6 Move back towards Stripe. Stripe chooses to maintain his attack at 22 ki, with a DV of 23 to activate. The center-point remains fixed for his action.
    • As this Beam Battle rages on, maintaining their attacks will become more difficult, and Mike and Stripe will risk backfires. They are further limited by how much ki they have available to use.
  • Note: Once engaged in a Beam Battle, you are unable to make any other actions. Your only options available are to continue the Beam Battle or disengage, giving you one final change to react. If you lose the Beam Battle before disengaging, you cannot react and take the full force of your opponent's attack!
  • Note: Ki changes from transformations follow through to the energy contained in a Beam Battle.

Energy Bomb
A deceptively small delayed attack designed to destroy a planet.

Generate a 320+ ki Energy Blast and throw it at your feet. Roll 1D6 + 1 for how many minutes you have until the planet explodes. Once initiated, it cannot be stopped.

*Rules are subject to change at any time, with or without notice*