Dragonball ZT RPG

Utility Techniques

Burning Attack
A flashy yet weak technique primarily used to distract opponents. A slow glowing ball that is fired at enemies.

A standard Energy Blast in the 5 - 10 ki range. It has the appearance of a high ki technique. The character throws the attack at one ki amount but says the attack appears to be a higher ki amount. The opponent can see through the ruse if they win a contested Mind AT roll. If they lose, they think the attack is higher level and react accordingly.

Automatically available to any fighter with a Power total above 30, assuming they are able to make a Competent (18) Mind AT to realize it can be done. This is done at the start of each session until successful.

Hide Power Level (Free Action)
The ability to damp down your Power Level to give a false reading, affecting scouters as well as the Sense Ki and Read Power Level techniques. Good for faking an opponent out.

Automatically available to any fighter with a Power total above 30, assuming they are able to make a Competent (18) Mind AT to realize it can be done. This is done at the start of each session until successful.

Sense Ki (Free Action)
Tells you information about ki being used, and its users. For ki, you can know roughly how much is being focused without seeing physical effects, and with greater experience, the exact amount being utilized. For users, you can know where ki is being used, and with greater experience, whether it is good or evil; with personal knowledge of the source, you can even exactly whose ki it is.

Automatically available to any fighter with a Power total above 50, assuming they are able to make a Competent (18) Mind AT to realize it can be done. This is done at the start of each session until successful.

Base Power Total Ki Knowledge User Knowledge
50 Generating 10+ There's "something wrong".
75 Generating 20+ That there is a great power being generated somewhere nearby.
100 Generating 40+ That there is a great power being generated somewhere on the planet.
125 Amount within 40 Where the greatest Power Level is being generated on the planet.
150 Amount within 20 Where all the power sources are on the planet.
175 Amount within 10 The location and relative strength (strongest to weakest) of all Power Levels on the planet.
200 Amount within 5 The location, relative strength, and type (evil or good) of all Power Levels on the planet.
225 Exact amount The locations and individual power signatures of people you know personally, all over the planet.

Read Power Level (Free Action)
Allows you to recognize the exact Power Level of another character. Automatically available to any fighter with a Power total above 200, assuming they are able to make a Competent (18) Mind AT to realize it can be done. This is done at the start of each session until successful.

Not as powerful as techniques from the hands, but can be launched without Powering Up.

Very limited ki technique automatically available to any fighter with a Power total above 50. Limited to 20 ki for any one Eyebeams attack.

Ki Force
Invisible blast of force launched from the eyes or palm, that knocks the opponent back. Ki Force attacks aren't powerful, but can be launched without Powering Up.

Automatically available to any fighter with a Power total above 100, Ki Force attacks are like applying pinpoint knockback. Gather ki as if making a standard Energy Blast, but apply the technique directly to the target, ignoring Deflections and Defense, and dividing the number of attack dice from the Target's Physical. Limited to 20 ki for any one Ki Force attack.

Multiple Image
Create multiple, exact physical copies of yourself. These clones fight and act like you, doing the same damage. Neither the original nor the clones may use any other techniques while Multiple Image is in effect, and they must all act in the same action as the original.

# Copies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

  • Example: Bloggins uses his Multiple Image technique to create two duplicates of himself for the next 2 phases. It will cost him 40 ki. The clones can fight just like him, but neither Bloggins nor his clones can use any other techniques (including Deflections).

Blinding Flash
Isn't affected by opponent's Power Level or Deflection; their only chance to evade is to turn away.

A non-aimed, non-directed, area-based ki technique - it goes off in front of the user's hands. The radius increases at a DV of +5 for every 2 Move from center. Each victim rolls 3D6. Failure to roll lower than their Mental means they looked, leaving them blinded for 1D6 phases. They are unable to follow, fight, or defend.

Spend 1 ki for every 20 Hits restored. To heal AND restore ki, spend 2 ki for 1 point of ki and 20 Hits.

Ability to change your form to match any life form previously seen. Does not give you access to Power Levels, skills, or other abilities. If the life form has native abilities like flight or natural weapons, you gain them as part of the transformation (used at half [round down] your normal Fighting or Body ATs until you have used them three times).

Body Change
Shoots from one selected limb (or eyes). A line of sight attack; you must have a clear, straight-line path to the target. The first living being the beam strikes is transferred into your body, and vice versa.

While in your target's body, you can use its Physical, Combat, Move, Defense, and Hits, but not its special techniques, Mind, Skills, or Power Level (these transfer with the mind of the original owner). Body change lasts until the changer either does the technique again to recover their body, or you manage to intercept the change beam when aimed at another target.

Instant Transmission
Used to travel great distances instantly. The character must be able to focus on a source of ki near the destination.

The character can travel instantaneously to any place without being impeded by intervening space or matter. The base DV is based on the user's Power Total, as seen below. The DV is additionally divided for every 1,000 Power Level of the target, rounded up.

Available to any fighter with a Power total above 50 that can find someone to teach them, assuming they are able to make an Incredible (26) Mind AT to understand it.

Base Power Total DVs
In Universe To Other World In Other World
50 1/5 Move Impossible Impossible
75 1/Km Impossible Impossible
100 2/Earth Circumference (40,000km) Impossible Impossible
125 1/LY 200,000 2,000,000
150 1/NS 400 4,000
175 1/5 NS 80 800
200 1/20 NS 20 200
225 1/40 NS 10 100

  • Example: A fighter with a Power Total of 60 tries to teleport to the Tenkaichi Budokai. They focus on Joe. The distance is 18,000km (9 million Move) along the planet's surface, so the DV is 1,800,000. Joe's Power Level of 16,090 reduces the DV to 111,871! The distance is simply too far, unless a sufficiently high Power Level can be focused on.
  • Example: A fighter with a Power Total of 90 tries to teleport to the Tenkaichi Budokai. They focus on Super Saiyan Mike. The distance is 18,000km along the planet's surface, so the DV is 18,000. Mike's Power Level of 11,014,000 reduces the DV to 2. While it's still an incredible distance, Mike's Power Level makes it extremely easy.
  • Example: A fighter with a Power Total of 130 tries to teleport to King Kai's planet from Earth. The DV is 200,000, so to reliably make the trip, someone with a Power Level of at least 10,000,000 would need to be present, reducing the DV to a total of 20.

Create Clothing
Create brand new, perfectly tailored, crisp clean new outfits of any design out of thin air. With just a flick of your fingers, any type of clothing, from fighting gis to weighted clothing, will appear on your target.

*Rules are subject to change at any time, with or without notice*