Dragonball ZT RPG


The biggest drawback to weapons is they are easily taken from their owners. An unarmed opponent can attempt to disarm an armed fighter with a successful grab. If successful, both combatants roll their Fighting AT. If the opponent attempting to disarm the fighter is successful, the weapon is now in their hands.

Standard Weapons
A character can only wield a standard weapon with damage up to their Physical.

Enhanced Weapons
Weapons can be enhanced that do extra dice of damage in excess of up to 2x their wielder's Physical.

  • Example: Bloggins, with a Physical of 5, could find a Katana that does 5 dice of Damage. One extra dice could be enhanced, but only a character with a Physical of 5 or greater may wield this sword. Bloggins could pick it up with no problem.
  • Note: For Ranged weapons, enhancements can add additional Move beyond the base Range.
Weapons beyond the limits of basic and enhanced levels must be crafted. Such weapons are bound to their owner and usable regardless of their Physical. Any other user must still have a high enough Physical to wield.

*Rules are subject to change at any time, with or without notice*