The Ginyu Force
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, the heroes made their way to the central continent, first stopping at the northern village to take on a trial of combat at the behest of Elder Shiel. While Vulcan attempted to collect the village's 2-Star Dragonball by his own ill-conceived plans, the rest of the heroes engaged in a supposedly friendly sparring match with four Namekian warriors.
Utilizing their Great Namekian ability, the Namekian warriors were a surprising struggle for the heroes, as Jamaros burned most of his ki to withstand their energy attacks, having to transform into a Super Saiyan to turn the tides. Kanch's own Great Namekian form levelled the playing field, while Kukem's anguish turned into several planet-shattering attacks.
With the 2-Star Dragonball in hand, the heroes then made for the central village and Kanch's original home, where Elder Whelka was more than happy to grant them the prized orb. Before he could, however, a strange new alien known as Guldo appeared and used his time manipulation powers to steal the Dragonball out from under everyone's noses, scoring a victory for the Ginyu Force.
Now the race is on, with only two Dragonballs left to go!
It'd only been a single day since the second Dragonball was collected and the heroes ran into the mysterious green alien known as Guldo, just long enough to rest and recover before venturing out again. Two Dragonballs could be seen on the Dragon Radar next to the group, the ones already collected. To the south roughly fifty-two hundred kilometers away was a collection of three more Dragonballs, likely the location the alien was operating out of. Far to the west were the remaining two Dragonballs, spread apart by sixteen hundred kilometers, almost certainly two separate villages; the closest one was still a staggering seventy-two hundred kilometers distant.
While Vulcan scoured the area for any further shiny objects - managing to discover one last piece of pristine rock salt that had previously gone unnoticed - Jamaros and Kukem discussed the various pros and cons for whether to head south or west. The group eventually settled on going for the singular Dragonball next and departed camp, heading west-by-northwest on a similar trajectory as before. They crossed the central continent first, and continuing on they found themselves in another vast ocean, this one with numerous islands spread out below them. Finally they arrived at the northwestern continent separated in two by a large river and lake bisecting it. The Dragon Radar indicated a Dragonball at a village in the centre of the continent, near the lake and rivers, with a second Dragonball even further to the northwest.
In the village everything seemed calm. A squat, green Namekian was waving at them from below, wearing what they had come to identify as elder's garbs. As they landed he introduced himself. "Greetings, travellers! Word has spread of both your arrival and that of the thieves. My name is Moori, the elder of this village." Everyone introduced themselves quickly before he continued, "We have no time to delay if everything we were told is true." Moori turned to a young Namekian, wearing the same scarf, vest, sash and boots, but with a full white robe covering his body. "Dende, fetch the Dragonball for our friends. Quickly, now." Dende nodded and scurried away to the elder's building with Vulcan accompanying him in case Guldo returned, while Kukem noted that he recognized Dende's name.
As Dende returned outside with the 6-Star Dragonball in hand, suddenly the group could sense multiple large Power Levels coming their way. This time they were not trying to hide themselves or sneak around. Four aliens all landed in front of them. The tallest, a stocky, blue alien, looked them up and down and chuckled, "Guldo, aren't these the pests you told us about yesterday?"
"That's right, Burter! They tried to stop me at that village, but they didn't have a chance!"
"Heh, is that because you ran away before they had one?" the second-tallest, a bulky human-looking man with a crop of red hair, responded.
"It's called using your strengths to your advantage, Recoome. Not like you'd know anything more about that sentence than the word 'strength'," Guldo retorted.
"Settle down, gents!" the shorter, orange humanoid with long white hair shouted. "Now that we have an audience, we should properly introduce ourselves!"
All four of them nodded in unison, and the large humanoid flexed, striking a pose, "I'm Recoooome!"
The blue alien flexed next, "And Iiiiiiii’m..." as he struck his pose, "Burter!"
The orange alien flipped his hair around, knelt down, "Wooooooaaaaaaaawwwwww!" and struck his pose, "I'm Jeice!"
The small green alien, struck his pose while kneeling, "Guldoooo!"
Recoome: "All!"
Burter: "Of!"
Jeice: "Us!"
Guldo: "Together!"
Everyone struck a combined pose together, expressions extremely serious, and said aloud, "The Ginyu Force!!!"
During this entire song and dance, Vulcan had taken the 6-Star Dragonball from Dende, and convinced Recoome with his Mental Control to continue bopping along in a dance. Meanwhile, Kanch had immediately engaged in insulting the Ginyu Force. Eventually the Dragonballs came up, to which Jeice chuckled, "Dragonballs? You mean these immortality orbs? I'm afraid you're out of luck, lads. These are the property of Lord Frieza now!"
"What does Frieza want with these?" Kukem asked?
Jeice blinked. "Uh... immortality... it's right there in the name..."
Burter sighed, "Enough. Hand them over now, and no one gets hurt."
Kanch's response was to power up. Guldo reacted by using Time Stop on Kanch, freezing him in place. Jamaros and Kukem both powered up as well, while Jeice fired a Crusher Ball at the frozen Kanch; Kukem attempted to intercept but wasn't fast enough. Burter swung a wide hook at Jamaros, connecting, while Recoome grabbed Jamaros from behind. Vulcan powered up, and then Jamaros used his Kaio Ken x10. Kukem struck at Guldo but missed, while Burter followed through on his strike by jumping back and kicking Kukem in the midsection. Vulcan continued powering up, and Burter finished with an uppercut to Vulcan's beak, sending him up in the air.
Kanch powered up a second time, now that Guldo's freeze has ceased, while Guldo switched and used Time Stop on Jamaros before his could use his additional power. Kukem fired his Devastation Cannon at Guldo, landing a decent hit, while Jeice flew up and launched a second Crusher Ball, this time at Jamaros. It missed, and almost hit Recoome in the process. "Hey, watch where you're throwing those things!" he growled, while Burter launched his Purple Comet Flash at Kukem, who unsuccessfully tried to counterblast it. Recoome then flexed and with double strength crushed down on Jamaros, still stuck in his grip. Vulcan then used Kaio Ken x10, while Kanch tried to strike Guldo with his Kaiser Blades, but Burter was able to intercept them and take the hit himself. Kukem followed up with a Testie Knock to Burter, but the large purple alien smacked Kukem's fist away with a block. Vulcan then amped up to Kaio Ken x15, straining his body somewhat, and then even further to Kaio Ken x20, after which he launched his Talon Whip at Guldo; again, Burter was able to intercept in time, becoming entangled in the black energy.
Kanch again launched a Kaiser Blade at Guldo, but Jeice was able to deflect it away with his own Crusher Ball from above. Guldo switched targets a third time, now using Time Stop on Vulcan, and Jamaros struggled to break free from Recoome's hold. Kukem powered up, while Jeice flew down and punched Burter through the energy whip, breaking him free. "You could have held back a bit more," Burter hissed, having worn the strike as well, before turned to Kukem and using a double fist to knock him into the dirt. Recoome then used three-fold strength to crush Jamaros within, which only served to anger the Saiyan, erupting him in both a Saiyan Rage and Super Saiyan, and breaking himself free. Kukem also entered a Saiyan Rage and, increasing his reflexes four-fold, launched a second Devastation Cannon at Guldo, who wore it with a grimace. Burter began to charge his Purple Comet Flash against Kukem, but Jamaros's Wooden Hammer promptly put a stop to it, driving Burther into the ground. Kukem then fired a much larger third Devastation Cannon at Guldo, wearing the small alien down further. Burter fired a quick Purple Comet Flash at Kukem, but Kukem, still with reflexes boosted, returned a counterblast with another massive Devastation Cannon at point blank range, both energy blasts exploding and striking the two of them. Jamaros then wound up a second Wooden Hammer focusing on the weakened Guldo.
Kanch again used his Kaiser Blade against Guldo, but Burter was able to tank the blades himself. Guldo staggered back, stammering, "Enough fooling around, guys!"
"Agreed. Do it, Guldo!" Burter yelled back.
Guldo brought his hands up and, after taking a very large breath, activated his Time Stop on the entire group. The last thing everyone could see was Jeice grinning as he said, "Lights out!"
As the heroes opened their eyes next, they came to at the sight of Dende's hands over top of the group. They could feel his energy transferring into them, and their wounds seemed to almost disappear from sight. "You're awake!" Dende yelled, continuing his healing, "Don't move too quickly. That fight really did a number on you!"
"Wh...what happened?" Kukem muttered, looking around. He and Jamaros both noticed that, thanks to their brush with death, they both were considerably stronger from their Saiyan Zenkai Boosts.
"That alien used his strange time abilities and stopped all of you, then they knocked you out one at a time!"
Moori sighed nearby, "If these people are stealing all of the Dragonballs, then you need every advantage you can to stop them. Please, you must seek out the Grand Elder, he can help you."
"Yup," Kanch coughed, "No arguments here."
Grand Elder Guru is the father of all Namekians," Moori explained. "He lives near here on a small island in the northwest. With his help, I think you can stop them!"
Thanking Dende for healing them, the group departed towards the remaining individual Dragonball. Beyond the continent further to the northwest was an island with an incredibly large butte, atop which was the largest Namekian structure they had spotted by far. The Dragon Radar confirmed that within was another Dragonball, while four now resided at the likely location the Ginyu Force were operating out of.
Settling down at the entrance to the large building, the heroes could only hope that this Grand Elder Guru would be able to help...