Grand Elder Guru
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, with a day of rest and recovery behind them, the heroes once again set off to find more Dragonballs, this time far to the west. At the northwest village, elder Moori and the young Dende quickly presented the 6-Star Dragonball to the heroes, but it was not fast enough.
Rapidly closing in from a distance, Guldo and three other, much more powerful aliens arrived and presented themselves as the Ginyu Force, laying claim to the Dragonballs in the name of their master, Lord Frieza! Refusing to hand the Dragonball over, the heroes braced for impact as the Ginyu Force attacked. Utilizing synergy with Guldo's Time Stop, the Ginyu Force acted as one cohesive unit to whittle them down.
Jamaros's Super Saiyan transformation began to turn the tides, however with Guldo in imminent danger the Ginyu Force stopped toying with the heroes. Guldo was able to use his Time Stop on the entire group, neutralizing them long enough for Jeice to deliver several finishing blows.
Awakening to the healing touch of Dende, the heroes were now down yet another Dragonball, and were directed to seek out Grand Elder Guru for a hope to strike back!
Guarding the entrance to the large Namekian structure atop the butte was an athletic Namekian who looked similar in age to Kanch, and in fact appeared virtually identical to Piccolo in his face, height, and build. He donned a blue vest and a white scarf around his neck. His chest and stomach were mostly exposed apart from a long flowing brown vest. He also wore baggy white pants with a blue sash and the brown pointed boots common amongst his race. He held up a hand and spoke, "I am Nail, the guardian of Grand Elder Guru. Please state your business."
Vulcan glanced around for anything of note, and while he could definitely tell there was a Dragonball nearby, there was nothing out of the ordinary outside the structure. Kanch responded, "We're looking for the Dragonballs," matter-of-factly.
Nail nodded, "Indeed, there has been whisperings about what has been happening in the other villages over the last few days. But how do I know it is not you who are here to threaten the Grand Elder and steal his Dragonball?"
"But... I'm a Namekian..." Kanch stammered, while the others looked around and each other and shrugged.
Nail furrowed his brow for a moment to consider. Before he could respond, however, a deep, gentle voice could be heard by everyone, "They have come here with good intentions, my dear child. Please, let them through that I might meet these travellers from another world."
Nail's mouth opened as he stammered, "But Guru..." he paused, as if listening to a voice directly only to him, and then straightened up and nodded. "My apologies, travellers. Please, join me inside."
Everyone followed suit as Nail entered the building, and following behind they came to an empty chamber with a strange circular hole in the ceiling leading to the floor above. On the second floor was a large chair, within which sat the Grand Elder, Guru. He was a huge, ancient-looking Namekian with a red cape, brown vest, white robe, and brown boots. Atop the back of the chair behind him rested the 1-Star Dragonball in a small perch. "Travellers, you have come so far for us to finally meet. Please, tell me of your quest."
"Well, we're looking for the Dragonballs so we can bring back some of our friends that lost their lives in battle," Kukem offered, before anyone else could speak.
"Yes, I understand your concerns and your endeavors. And Kanch, it is good to see you once again, my child. Were you successful in seeking your answers with Piccolo and Kami?"
Kanch stammered, "Yeah... about that... I kind of maybe ate Kami, so..."
Guru chuckled, "Heh, I may be old and immobile, but my senses are still sharp as ever. In merging with Kami, the Dragonballs of your planet are no more, and I imagine Piccolo, too, will have ceased to be. A shame, there was so much potential in him."
Guru turned his head slightly as he then spoke to Nail, "Nail, please grant these travellers my Dragonball." As Nail moved towards the back of Guru's chair, Guru turned his head again, this time towards the group. "I sense within all of you the potential for much growth. You in particular, my young avian friend. Please, come closer."
Vulcan didn't know what to do at first, but after a moment's hesitation he agreed and came forward. As Vulcan stepped closer to Guru, the large Namekian placed his hand gently atop his head. At first nothing appeared to happen, but suddenly a surge of energy exploded from within Vulcan, his body teeming with a vigor that had been lying dormant within. "I have awakened your sleeping power, young one. In addition, the effects of that troublesome small alien's time manipulation should no longer be an issue. Please, everyone, do not be afraid. Come closer."
As Vulcan's new Power Level soared over one hundred and forty thousand, once by one everyone came closer. Guru placed his hand atop everyone, and while no powers exploded outwards that lay dormant, for everyone, they could somehow sense that Guldo's Time Stop technique would no longer be a match for them.
Once everyone was finished, Nail handed Vulcan the 1-Star Dragonball. Guru stated, "These Dragonballs that you seek are not unlike your own, though their powers are slightly different. The danger, however, lies in their creation. Far to the southeast lies an ancient sealing ground, which was used to lock away a beast of unimaginable and unfocused power. This creature, known only as Agnurop, lies dormant within, but it tied inextricably to the Dragonballs. If all seven were to ever be brought together at the sealing ground, it would be enough power to break the seal and release Agnurop into the world once again."
Suddenly a familiar voice could be heard from behind them in the room below, as Jeice shouted, "Well this isn't much to write home about, mates. Sounds like they're trying to hide something from us!"
I agree, Jeice," Burter responded, "nothing more than a children's story to keep the treasure safe. Looks like we know where we need to take the orbs!"
They keep calling them dragon's balls... you don't think some poor dragon..." Recoome trailed off.
It's probably a metaphor or something, you big oaf!" Guldo screamed back.
Jeice could be heard sighing below, exasperated, "In any case, how about you lads hand us over that orb, and we'll be on our way? No sense getting your tickets punched a second time, now, is there?"
Jamaros yelled down in response, "You fools won't get the best of us a second time."
Kanch and Jamaros both powered up, while Guldo used his - now useless - Time Stop on Jamaros, who was all too happy to pretend it worked for the moment. Vulcan also powered up, and Jeice launched up through the hole in the ground, firing a Crusher Ball into Jamaros's inert form. Nail immediately struck at Jeice in response, but missed, while Kukem powered up in turn. Burter then came up to the second floor and clocked Nail from behind, driving him flying out the door below and into the air outside. Recoome came up next, grabbing Vulcan and grinning at him wickedly. Kanch then used a double fist into Jeice's crown, sending him reeling into the ground on the first floor. Jamaros decided to drop his charade and powered up again alongside Vulcan, then the two of them both erupted into Kaio Ken x10 and Kaio Ken x15, respectively, which allowed Vulcan to easily break free from Recoome's grip.
Kanch then grabbed at Jeice below but missed, while Jamaros came down hard and kicked the surprised Guldo in the head with enough force to separate it from the rest of his body, both pieces flailing through the door and down into the waters below the butte. Vulcan increased to Kaio Ken x20, and when Jeice attempted to launch another Crusher Ball at Jamaros, Vulcan was able to deftly intercept and simply wear the attack. Nail continued to fight with Burter outside the building, yelling out for everyone to get outside and away from Guru. Kukem powered up even more, and Burter sat stunned at the incredible power coming from inside, his scouter reading Vulcan at a Power Level well over two point eight million, and seeing Guldo's headless body dropping below. Recoome sucked in a massive mouthful of air as he began yelling, "Recooooome..." but Vulcan was having none of it, pulling out Luna from his robe. kissing the kitten gently on the head, he then launched an incredibly powerful Pink Fluffy Kitten lightning blast at Recoome in the floor above; it struck true, but the blast still managed to blow a giant hole in the ceiling of the building. Kukem followed up with a large Devastation Cannon, launching Recoome out of the newly-formed egress. A glint formed in Recoome's eye as he continued unabated, "Eraser..." Vulcan tried to intercept, getting in front of Recoome and putting his right hand up to the mountain of muscle's mouth, but as he screamed, "GUUUUUNNNN!!!" his Eraser Gun erupted from his mouth, disintegrating everything that stood in its way.
As the dust cleared, everyone had been able to make it out of the building and away from the attack in time, but the building now had a massive, perfectly-spherical hole drilling through it, into the butte, and further down into the waters. Kanch launched his Kaiser Blade at Recoome, who simply wore the attack. Jamaros continued his assault on Jeice, using his Wooden Hammer to launch him in the air, cracking his armor in the process. Vulcan, slightly dazed with his right arm now a stump, had a lightbulb moment and used his Arlian Headband to ties his longsword securely to his stump. Jeice flew down and struck Kanch in the face, while Nail launched back into Guru's home to ensure the Grand Elder was ok. Seeing the damage that was done, Kukem then launched into a Saiyan Rage, doubling his reflexes, and launching a massive Devastation Cannon at Recoome. "Hey, no! Leave him to me!" Vulcan could be heard yelling at the attack swept past him and struck Recoome. Burter tripled his own reflexes to strike back at Kukem, while Recoome used a double fist against Kukem's forehead, but the Saiyan was able to block. Vulcan took out the rock salts he had collected and added them to his blade, simply to add salt to the upcoming wounds, and Kukem began to now charge a much larger Devastation Cannon. Recoome interfered by grabbing Kukem from behind, and started to crush the Saiyan within his firm grip. But from behind came a lightning-fast, five-fold strength Aviary Strike from Vulcan, bisecting Recoome from head to toe in one deft motion.
Unfortunately, Kukem was caught in Vulcan's strike from his stubbed longsword, and he saw the world split in two before everything faded to black, his body falling in separate pieces alongside Recoome's. Jeice jumped back in stunned surprise, grumbling, "This is not good, lads, not good at all! We need Captain Ginyu!"
Burter grunted, "He's right. Ginyu Force, fall back!" In unison, the two remaining Ginyu Force jumped back and departed into the sky as fast as they could, travelling southeast.
Jamaros gathered Kukem's bisected remains and carried them gently over to the butte holding Grand Elder Guru's damaged building. Only after he had laid his slain friend down did he then allow his emotions to run wild, driving him into a Saiyan Rage as he flew up and struck Vulcan with his Wooden Hammer, knocking him into the waters below. Vulcan responded with his Talon Whip emerging from the frothing waters, wrapping tightly around Jamaros, while Kanch sat stunned nearby at what was happening.
Jamaros struggled within his immobilization, but suddenly the strain being placed on Vulcan's body below surged, becoming too much for him to hold together even in his awakened state, and the waters steamed and blew upwards as his Power Level quickly drained away. Jamaros was able to regain his senses as the black crackling energy vice faded from around him, and he bellowed out,"Kanch, get Kukem's remains back to Guru while I grab Vulcan." Without waiting for a response he dove down into the waters below, grabbing his dying friend.
Guru was able to bring Vulcan back before the damage was too much, even mending his right arm. While he stabilized, Jamaros and Kanch debated over what to do next. Eventually they decided upon taking the 1-Star Dragonball back to their ship, then heading to deal with the Ginyu Force and reclaim the remaining Dragonballs to revive Kukem and the others.
With their strength renewed, albeit down one warrior, the heroes brought the 1-Star Dragonball back to their camp to the east. They then made haste for the southeastern landmasses. Across the central continent and beyond, a vast empty ocean, they eventually came ot the planet's southeastern landmasses: a northern subcontinent separated from the southern one by a massive straight. At the northern tip of the second landmass was a large outcropping of buttes surrounding a flat, circular altar. The heroes all got the sense that a very important ceremony is or was conducted there.
And standing in the middle of the altar with the last four Dragonballs was the remaining Ginyu Force, now joined by a middle-sized, horned purple alien...