Skirmish at the Sealed Grounds
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, Nail introduced the heroes to Grand Elder Guru, who finally provided them with a much needed boost. Guldo's Time Stop was nullified for everyone, and Vulcan's sleeping powers were awakened, magnifying his abilities by three and a half times. With the 1-Star Dragonball now in their possession, they were ready to take the fight to the Ginyu Force.
But before they could head out, the Ginyu Force showed up to take the fight to them! With Guldo's abilities now largely ineffective they were forced to pull no punches, however even with everything they threw the Ginyu Force were no match for the Earthlings.
Guldo was dispatched immediately, and Recoome met a splitting, timely demise at Vulcan's remaining hand, but Kukem was caught in the crossfire and lost his life in the struggle. An enraged Jamaros struck back at Vulcan after the remaining Ginyu Force escaped, but the fight quickly ended as Vulcan's Kaio Ken consumed his body, nearly killing him as well.
Now, revived by Guru as best he could, it's off to the sealed grounds to recover the stolen Dragonballs and end the Ginyu Force threat once and for all!
With the death of Kukem still fresh on everyone's minds, they group arrived at the sealed grounds on the southeastern continent, a large circular stonework landing with eight white obelisks jutting up along the edges. In the center was a marble altar with seven impressions, each large enough to fit a single Dragonball. Within four of them rested the 3-Star, 4-Star, 6-Star, and 7-Star Dragonballs. A dull, dark presence could be sensed emanating from deep below as everyone approached, a foreboding essence that was definitely not felt before, and it was hungry.
Standing around the altar could be seen Jeice and Burter speaking rapidly with what could only assumed to be Captain Ginyu, a medium-sized purple horned alien with his arms folded across his chest. All of them were clearly oblivious to the aura permeating the area.
"... and that's when they took Recoome out with a single strike, Cap'n! Didn't even try to protect their own fighter!" Jeice stammered, clearly shook.
"The look in his eyes... the bird was clearly enjoying it..." Burter added.
"Savages... I've only ever heard tell of Saiyan being so callous with their own..." Captain Ginyu mused.
"The Saiyans were the ones trying to deescalate! I'm telling you, Cap'n, these lads are no good. No good at all!"
Burter nodded in agreement, "When we were leaving I caught sight of the surviving Saiyan attacking the bird, maybe they took each other out..."
Captain Ginyu looked up, his expression stone as he saw the heroes. "It doesn't look like it." Burter and Jeice both turned around and looked up, and the panic was clear in their eyes. Captain Ginyu placed a hand on each's shoulder pauldron and grumbled, "Settle down, you two. We're still the Ginyu Force, the most elite fighting force in the galaxy!"
As everyone landed, Captain Ginyu stepped in front of Burter and Jeice, what had both composed themselves. "We didn't ask for any trouble, and we certainly weren't looking to get your friend killed... if you can even call him that..."
Vulcan immediately poked around in the grass nearby, stumbling upon an old 1968 Quarter Zeni, of all things. He then turned back around and powered up as Jamaros responded with narrowed eyes, "He was our friend."
Captain Ginyu placed his hands on his hips, "Now, these orbs are the rightful property of Lord Frieza. But perhaps we can come to some sort of an agreement? Once we're done with them, you can have them and do whatever you want. Soldier's honor."
"You've been terrorizing my people long enough, no more," Kanch replied.
Captain Ginyu turned and pointed to the other Dragonballs already in position. "Look, if you just get the orbs you've already collected, we can use them once, and then we'll be on our way. We know they can be used multiple times, and this way, no more bloodshed. Whadda ya say?" He paused a moment, then tilted his head with a slight grin, "Hey, as a show of faith, we can even bring our orbs to you, how's that? Everybody wins."
Vulcan seemed to agree and launched up into the air to return to the ship, but paused after a moment and returned to the group. Jamaros and Kanch both responded by powering up. Captain Ginyu sighed and Jeice and Burter both prepared for battle.
Kanch immediately used Kaio Ken x5 as Burter and Vulcan both powered up. Jeice used his ability to Control Metal to yank Vulcan's longsword out of its sheath and into his hand. "I got it Cap'n!" he exclaimed.
"Good job, Jeice!" Captain Ginyu responded, attempting to punch Vulcan but missing. Jamaros continued powering up, while Kanch launched his Kaiser Blade at Jeice, also missing.
While Burter, Jeice, and Captain Ginyu all continued to power up, Vulcan used Kaio Ken x10; Jamaros also used his Kaio Ken x10, though his body burned from the strain. "One point four million?!? How is that possible???" Burter exclaimed, stunned by the Power Level reading on his scouter. Vulcan chuckled and responded by entering Kaio Ken x15, surging his Power Level to over two million. Jamaros then launched at Jeice with his new Purity Claw, the bright white wolf claw surrounding his fist crushing through the chest of Jeice's battle armor.
Kanch again tried his Kaiser Blade, this time striking Burter who brought his arms up to defend against the cutting attack. He then turned and saw Jeice impaled by Jamaros. "Jeice!" he screamed, before launching his Purple Comet Flash at Jamaros; Vulcan deftly intercepted and made a Counterblast with Luna and his Pink Fluffy Kittens, greatly overwhelming the attack and detonating both amidst everyone but Captain Ginyu and Kanch, leaving a large smoking crater within the stonework.
Vulcan then got up and grabbed Jeice's arm holding his sword, ripping it clean off. Jeice coughed up more blood, and a final defiant grin momentarily crossed his lips as he breathed, "Jokes on you..." He then made a crushing motion with his good hand, and the longsword collapsed in on itself, reduced to a slag pile in the other arm. The last of his energy used up, Jeice's eyes rolled back into his head, deceased. Jamaros wiggled his arm, his Jeice-let sliding down and crumpling to the ground beneath him.
"Savages..." Captain Ginyu muttered, powering up.
"That was rude." Jamaros stated at Burter, before running a second Purity Claw into Burter's abdomen. Vulcan then increased his strength five-fold before grabbing both of Captain Ginyu's arms, while Jamaros slid his arm out of his Burter-bracelet. "This is the best you had?" Jamaros then asked, looking at Captain Ginyu, before winding up and striking with a third Purity Claw to the back of his head. Vulcan then pulled off Captain Ginyu's left arm, followed by his right arm, dropping Captain Ginyu into a kneeling position before him, where Vulcan grabbed him by the legs.
"You can still get out with your life!" Kanch yelled out, his body absorbing some damage from the strain of his Kaio Ken x5
"Captain!" Burter screamed, attempting to punch Vulcan to free him. He missed terribly, however, and plowed directly into Captain Ginyu; while Ginyu was released from the hold, the two of them wound up on the ground together.
As Vulcan's own body struggled with the strain from Kaio Ken x15, he took both severed arms by the biceps and started slapping at Captain Ginyu on the ground, yelling, "Stop hitting yourself!" Captain Ginyu's flailing did keep him away from the strikes, but only barely. Captain Ginyu then spat his own blood up before flipping up backwards and landing uneasily on his feet.
"Stop playing with your food," Jamaros muttered as he launched a final Purity Claw at Captain Ginyu, but Burter intercepted at the last moment, and became impaled through the chest from behind.
Captain Ginyu looked around, his face a clear expression of bewilderment. "It can't be... you can't possibly be this strong... We're... the Ginyu Force!" Suddenly a Blinding Flash erupted from in front of Captain Ginyu, all sight erased from everyone else. As their eyesight slowly began to return, the group looked around and could see no sign of the warrior. But in his haste, they could see that all the Dragonballs had been left behind.
Burter then looked backwards and Jamaros and grinned, his body starting to glow. Jamaros threw Burter directly up into the sky. As his body erupted into a brilliant explosion and blue mist, Jamaros chuckled, "Oh how festive."
Once the area was verified clear, everyone dropped out of Kaio Ken and grabbed the Dragonballs. With the Dragonballs all in hand, they departed the sealed ground and made haste for their ship. As they left, they could sense the dark presence subsiding, but its hunger could still be felt... and it continued to grow.
After a little less than an hour of flight, they returned to the campground, where Janos and Bartholomew had been keeping watch. It took no time at all to fish the remaining three Dragonballs out of the ship's hold, and before they knew it, all seven were arrayed on the ground in front of them, glowing with a deep golden wash across them.
The group discussed what wishes would be best to be made before they actually summoned Porunga, while Jamaros asked Kanch to relay his wishes for him in Namekian. Finally Kanch called upon the dragon in his native tongue. As the Namekian words were chanted to bring forth the Eternal Dragon, they sky surrounding them darkened to a pitch black. Suddenly the shimmering energy swirling around the Dragonballs erupted towards the sky within an electric arc. Lighting could be seen crackling high above as clouds swirled and formed. Far above, the angry pulse from the Dragonballs coalesced into the body of the might Porunga. Quite different from the Shenron of Earth, he was a massive green dragon with a gigantic pale chest and bulky arms, two large horns protruding from his shoulders, and a large spinal column running down from his neck along his back and tail. "You have collected all seven Dragonballs. And now, as it is written, think wisely and I will grant you three wishes within my power."
Immediately Vulcan yelled out in English, "I wish for a new sword that is twice as strong as my old one!" Porunga tilted his head slightly as Jamaros poked Vulcan, pointing out that he can get a new longsword from nearly anywhere.
Once the confusion settled, Kanch spoke in Namekian, requesting that Porunga bring Kukem back to life. Porunga's ruby-red eyes glimmered and glowed brighter for a moment. Suddenly they could pick up a new energy on the planet far to the west. Without a doubt, Kukem had returned to life, and could already be sensed flying at full speed towards them.
Second, Kanch requested that Porunga bring Bumble back to life, again in Namekian. After Porunga's eyes glowed and subsided, he growled aloud, "It is done."
Third, Kanch asked for Tnsumi to be brought back to life. Porunga's eyes glowed and dimmed, but then he shook his head. "It can't be done," he boomed. "The one called Tnsumi refuses to return, and says he'll return back later."
Kanch then got an idea, and for his final wish, started to ask Porunga to return the Earth's Dragonballs. Suddenly, before they could get the words out for the final wish, the words, "YOU'RE MINE NOW!" could be heard screamed behind them. As everyone turned, a bright golden beam of energy blasted into Vulcan and he seized up, then collapsed to the ground. Captain Ginyu could be seen near the water, armless, similarly collapsed.
"What... what the hell just happened?" Kanch asked, his eyes wide. As everyone focused on the drained Captain Ginyu, suddenly the sky above began to lighten as Porunga's form faded. A chuckle could be heard, clearly Captain Ginyu's, but coming from Vulcan's mouth. As everyone whipped around, the last thing they were able to see before a Blinding Flash once again obliterated their eyesight was Vulcan, all seven Dragonballs floating around him and a wicked sneer in his eyes, with Luna jumping out of his robe and scurrying toward Captain Ginyu.
Once their eyesight returned after a few moments, they could sense that Vulcan's body was flying directly towards the sealed grounds, and a quick check on the Dragon Radar confirmed that all the Dragonballs were with him.
Jamaros ran over to Captain Ginyu's collapsed body and asked, "What are you doing here?" Kanch could sense that something was definitely wrong, and realized that the Vulcan who flew away was definitely not Vulcan, and the Captain Ginyu still there was similarly not Captain Ginyu. His mind in shock from Captain Ginyu's Body Change technique, Vulcan's mind attempted to kill himself, but without arms and heavily injured, he could only flail around. Jamaros sensed what Vulcan-Ginyu was attempting to do and knocked him out with a quick hit. Soon after Kukem arrived, wearing only his - thankfully - still whole spandex, but neither his scouter, headband or armor were salvageable. "Kukem!" Jamaros shouted, continuing, "Please tell me you know something about what's happening with Captain Ginyu and Vulcan?"
"Huh? Yeah, yeah I know about him a bit. He can do a body swap thing... I take it that's what we're talking about?"
"Is it permanent?" Kanch asked, while Jamaros beckoned Batholomew over.
"No, he can do it over and over, so it could be reversed. There's always the Dragonballs too... speaking of, where are they..."
As Kanch filled Kukem in on what had just happened, Jamaros asked Vulcan's follower to kindly heal Vulcan-Ginyu. While he initially resisted, Jamaros's patience and pleasantries won him over, and the Namekian healed the alien form, new arms appearing where the old ones had been severed.
With the realization that Vulcan now resided within Captain Ginyu's body, everyone wasted no more time and launched into the air for the sealed grounds to the south, hoping they could stop Captain Ginyu in time...