Agnurop Released
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, even with the heroes down a fighter and with the help of Captain Ginyu, the Ginyu Force proved to be no match as battle waged at the sealed grounds. Captain Ginyu's diplomatic pleas fell on deaf ears as Vulcan, Jamaros, and Kanch attacked with everything they had, granting no quarter to their enemies.
Jeice quickly met his match as Vulcan gruesomely disarmed him, though not before destroying Vulcan's longsword. Captain Ginyu met his own disarmament soon after, though he was able to escape at the last second with a Blinding Flash. Burter did what he could, taking several impaling strikes from Jamaros before he attempted a final explosive solution, but to no avail.
With victory and Dragonballs in hand, the heroes brought the Dragonballs back to their ship and summoned Porunga to grant their wishes. Kukem and Bumble returned to life, however before the final wish could be requested, Captain Ginyu returned with his revenge! Using his Body Change, Captain Ginyu's mind possessed the body of Vulcan! In the confusion he was able to steal all seven Dragonballs, and is now making haste for the sealed grounds!
Reunited with Kukem and with Vulcan-Ginyu healed from the wounds sustained in battle, the group moved as fast as possible to the south, hoping to catch Captain Ginyu-Vulcan in time. The islands below blurred as they sped across the ocean to the southeastern continent, but no matter how hard they pushed, Captain Ginyu-Vulcan's lead was simply too much to overtake in time.
As they landed roughly at the sealed grounds, craters and damage still fresh from the battle only hours prior, they could see the final Dragonball being placed within the central altar. The presence below could be felt broiling, an insatiable appetite beckoning it to come forth. Ahead, Captain Ginyu-Vulcan turned around and laughed, "Haha, it's too late, the real secret to these orbs is about to be Lord Frieza's!"
"I seem to recall us being told the absolute worst possible thing we could do was bring all the Dragonballs here!" Kanch yelled in response. "What about Agnurop?"
Captain Ginyu-Vulcan chuckled, "And you believed that hogwash? If there was some sort of giant beast here I'd have picked it up already on my scouter, and so would you! They just didn't want us to have the orbs."
Vulcan-Ginyu stepped forward, growling, "Give me my body back now!"
"Don't be foolish, there's no need, and why would I want a body back without any..." Captain Ginyu-Vulcan paused, noticing that Vulcan-Ginyu's arms had returned. "How did you... no matter, it doesn't make a difference. The orbs are in place and there's nothing you can do about it now. I've done my duty as a soldier, and I'm honored to meet my maker in service to Lord Frieza!"
As before, the Dragonballs began to glow with a golden energy, but without anyone speaking the summoning chant, the sky suddenly grew dark. A low rumble could be heard from deep below, and the ground began to shake as tremors pulsed from deep within the planet. "W-what's going on... this doesn't seem normal..." Captain Ginyu-Vulcan stammered. Clouds above swirled in a ferocious black cauldron as lightning cascaded and arced across the sky, momentarily painting the ground in a dull glow.
Kanch took the opportunity to try and rush the Dragonballs, however when he grabbed the 5-Star Dragonball it was searing hot to the touch. Kukem attempted blow up the Dragonballs, but found himself frozen, awestruck by what was taking place. Vulcan meanwhile searched high and low for a large tree or rock, but kept getting distracted by the sky above.
The tremors strengthened, now shaking the remaining obelisks apart, and the nearby buttes began to crack as large chunks of rock fell down to the ground and water below. The hungering presence could now be felt surging upwards from below, and nearby the waters began to generate a massive whirlpool. Captain Ginyu-Vulcan's previously smug and confident expression was now replaced with a growing fear as panic set in. Even he could rudimentarily sense what was now coming. "What is this!?!" he screamed out, as the stoneworks began to rip apart below everyone.
Vulcan finally found a large sturdy tree and ran over to it, uprooting it as a rough club. He then threatened Captain Ginyu-Vulcan with the tree, "Give me back my body, or I'll send you to space!"
Captain Ginyu-Vulcan stammered as everything around him continued to crumble, "N-no... no, you're still trying to trick me somehow!"
Suddenly a screeching, dull screaming noise could be heard as the stoneworks below finally gave way, the altar with the Dragonballs bring flung into the air and crashing into a nearby butte. Magma, ash and demonic clouds spilled and exploded upwards into the sky, with lightning arcing throughout the mess. The entire group suffered some fairly serious magma burns, but were able to jump back to safer ground. Vulcan followed up with swinging the tree at Captain Ginyu-Vulcan, but it was evaded with ease. Captain Ginyu-Vulcan screamed as he flew up high into the air, "I did not sign up for this!"
With a final heave, the ground below completely split apart and an absolutely massive dark shape rushed through to the surface, launching into the air with that same screech, now deafening in volume. Circling high above was a black dragon the size of Porunga with dark purple energy pulsating around it. Its four limbs ended in massive ebony claws the size of several people, with talons on each of its digits that could rake through steel with ease. Its head the size of a bus could swallow entire buildings whole, and the glimmering serrated teeth within would ensure little remained that didn't go straight down its throat. All along its body was a massive exoskeleton of bony plates protecting its innards, and a dorsal column of spikes that could impale a mountain. Sprouting from its back were four massive leathery wings with more large talons protruding. The muscular tail of this gigantic beast whipped back and forth in the sky above, threatening anything at its rear with more spikes the size of large trees.
A deep, bone-chilling and splitting voice could be heard, mindless but focused on one thing. "Agnurop... hungers..."
Vulcan-Ginyu tried a final time, yelling out, "We're all dying if you don't give me back my body now!" and to his surprise, Captain Ginyu-Vulcan agreed.
Captain Ginyu-Vulcan screamed as he hovered up high into the air, "Fine.. fine! Get over here!" As Vulcan-Ginyu flew forward, Captain Ginyu-Vulcan opened his mouth as the same golden energy blast erupted forth, hitting Vulcan-Ginyu and causing both of them to collapse back to the ground. After a few moments, the two got up, and Captain GInyu's voice could be heard coming from his own mouth. "There, you happy? I did not sign up for this!"
Everyone began to power up, watching the dragon above. After circling for a few moments, Agnurop suddenly fixed on something in the distance to the west. With a mighty beat of its wings, the air below was sent gushing down with hurricane force, and the beast launched surprisingly fast to the west.
Captain Ginyu threw Vulcan his uprooted tree, then everyone gave chase. Not far from the massive hole that used to be the sealed grounds were five globeships. Agnurop circled above twice, then suddenly dropped out of the sky and landed with a mighty explosive earthquake atop them, reducing them to nothingness. "Those were my only ticket out of here!!!" Captain Ginyu screamed. The dragon made a guttural growl then looked around. Its nostrils, easily large enough for a person to enter, flared out as if seeking a particular scent.
Kanch and Vulcan both attempted to enter the beast's nostrils, but its head whipped away before they could get close. Vulcan, Jamaros, and Kukem then powered up further. The demonic red eyes of the dragon narrowed as its head whipped around, looking north. Its wings beat steadily several times and Agnurop lifted into the sky once again, defying all logic. It lurched forward across the channel towards the northern portion of the continent, and Captain Ginyu yelled out, "That's where Guldo got our first orb, there's a village there!" Without hesitation, everyone once again gave chase.
Agnurop arrived overhead of the southeastern village, swirling in the sky as lightning erupted all around it. Namekians could be seen scurrying around trying to escape, but before they could react, the dragon pulled its head up, then lurched downwards, releasing a massive scarlet energy blast directly at the village. The entire village was engulfed and hot magma began to erupt from the massive hole that remained. Black smoke choked out much sight, but everyone could clearly sense that everything which was once living in the village was long gone.
Captain Ginyu looked around frantically, "We need to do something before this beast takes out the entire planet, and me with it! We have to slow it down somehow!"
Vulcan took this opportunity to activate his Kaio Ken x15, while Kukem attempted to strike the beast with his Devastation Cannon. Not paying any attention to the group, the attack rang true and struck Agnurop, but the dragon didn't even flinch.
"The wings, what if we go for the wings?" With a surprising surge of courage, Captain Ginyu launched forward, quickly becoming a mere speck against the background of Agnurop's enormous outline above. Kukem followed reluctantly, as did Vulcan, Kanch, and Jamaros. As Agnurop circled above seeking out its next target, they followed Captain Ginyu's lead and soon found themselves landing on the dragon's back. Around them, the four wings continued to beat, hurricane forces drilling anything that got beneath them far to the ground below.
Kanch and Jamaros both activated Kaio Ken x10, while Captain Ginyu and Kukem continued to power up. Vulcan took the large tree he had uprooted and quickly cut out a makeshift wooden longsword, while Kanch then attacked the first wing with his Kaiser Blade, severing the limb in one go. Suddenly, however, two small Agunrop drones erupted in response from within the armor plating. Vulcan's attempt to use Mental Control were unsuccessful, and Kanch powered up further, while the two drones fired crimson energy blasts at Kanch.
Kanch continued powering up, while Jamaros and Captain Ginyu both struck the first drone. Kukem began to charge his Devastation Cannon, then Vulcan screamed out, "Ginyu, pin one of the drones down!" before using his Aviary Strike to slice the first drone in half. The second drone attempted to retaliate against Vulcan, but missed. Kanch similarly missed launching his Makouhou Beam at the second drone. Kukem then launched his charged Devastation Cannon at the second wing, but it did negligible damage, and a further two drones appeared, all three of them now blasting Kukem.
Below, Agnurop detected its next target, and launched to the northwest. Kanch attacked the second wing with another Kaiser Blade, destroying it and causing yet two more drones to appear. Jamaros struck at the second drone with his Purity Claw, but missed the mark, and Captain Ginyu attempted to pin it to no avail. Kukem struck the second drone with his Kabuto Flash Spear, and Vulcan went after the third wing with his Pink Fluffy Kittens, but like Kukem's attack, the damage was minor and two more drones appeared, bringing the total up to seven, who all turned and focused their attacks on Kanch, rendering him unconscious.
Kanch being taken down sent Jamaros into a Saiyan Rage, triggering his Super Saiyan transformation, and a quike strike of his Purity Claw against the second drone silenced it for good. Captain Ginyu managed to pin the third drone, while Kukem's own Saiyan Rage pushed a massive Kabuto Flash Spear into the fourth drone. "Throw dirt in Agnurop's eyes!" Vulcan yelled to Captain Ginyu, following up with a strike against the fourth drone with his wooden longsword, destroying it. The drones then turned their attention to Kukem, burning him with considerable energy as Vulcan failed to intercept in time.
As the land below gave way to ocean, Kanch regained consciousness and he powered up again. Kukem launched another Kabuto Flash Spear, this time at the fifth drone, while Vulcan swung at the third drone's neck, missing. "Use your blinding flash!" he yelled at Captain Ginyu, who let go of the drone. Jamaros again used Purity Claw against the third drone, impaling and killing it. The drones switched to attacking Jamaros, but failed in landing any attacks. Captain Ginyu then flew forward in front of Agnurop's face in preparation for his Blinding Flash, but before he could do anything, Agnurop opened its massive mouth and chomped down, shredding Captain Ginyu on its teeth and snuffing the alien's life out.
Kanch continued to power up, while Kukem charged his Kabuto Flash Spear. Vulcan used his Aviary Strike against the fifth drone, cutting it to pieces. Jamaros did significant damage to the sixth drone with his Purity Claw, while the drones struck at him in return.
Deep over the ocean, Kanch powered up even further, Kukem continued charging his Kabuto Flash Spear, and Vulcan used his Aviary Strike to destroy the sixth drone. Jamaros switched his attention to the seventh drone; one Purity Claw later, it had met its match. The drones continued to attack Jamaros, while Kukem launched a heavily powered up Kabuto Flash Spear, obliterating the third wing and revealing two more drones. Vulcan followed up with another Aviary Strike, destroying the eighth drone, and the remaining ones all struck at Kukem.
Two more drones appeared as Kanch reactivated his Kaio Ken x10, but as the battle dragged on, Kukem finally had enough. His aura erupted into golden light as his hair stood on end and his eyes became aqua, unleashing his Super Saiyan transformation from within, and began charging his Kabuto Flash Spear. Vulcan's Aviary Strike claimed another victim in the ninth drone, as "It's about damn time!" could be heard yelled at Kukem by Jamaros. He then struck at the tenth drone but missed. The drones all shifted their attention to Vulcan, blasting him. Kanch launched his Kaiser Blade at the fourth and final wing, but missed. Kukem's Kabuto Flash Spear came threatening close to the wing, but the tenth drone intercepted it in time, while Vulcan took down the eleventh and twelfth drones with more Aviary Strikes.
As Agnurop reached the edge of the central landmass, two more drones appeared. Kanch attempted again to strike the wing with his Kaiser Blade, but the tenth drone continued to intercept. Vulcan struck at the fourteenth drone but it evaded, while Kukem again charged his Kabuto Flash Spear. Jamaros attacked the fourteenth drone as well and also missed. The drones then attacked Vulcan again, who missed the fourteenth drone for the second time. Kukem's Kabuto Flash Spear found its mark, however it was intercepted yet again, greatly weakening the tenth drone. Vulcan finally landed his Aviary Strikes, killing the fourteenth drone.
Once again, two more drones appeared, frustrating everyone. Under strain from his Kaio Ken x10, Kanch powered up. Vulcan killed the fifteenth drone with his Aviary Strike, and Kukem dug deep, increasing his strength threefold and landing a powerful Throwback Kick on the tenth drone, destroying it. Jamaros launched a powerful Purity Claw as well, killing the sixteenth drone, leaving only the thirteenth drone remaining. Kanch fired a Kiaser Blade at it, while Vulcan attacked with his wooden longsword but missed. Kukem's Throwback Kick devastated the final drone. He then charged up and launched a massive and final Kabuto Flash Spear, cutting the final wing free.
As the last wing was severed, a mighty bellow could be heard from below, and everyone could feel their hearts leap into their chests as the dragon began to fall from the sky. Agnurop thundered into the hard ground below with a mighty crash, throwing everyone far from its back as massive amounts of dust and debris were kicked up from its landing crater.
As the dust settled, two massive glowing demonic eyes could be seen piercing through, scanning for what could have possibly caused it harm. The eyes fixated on the group as they stood, and its mouth opened wide with a hellish glow within. All of a sudden, however, its mouth shut entirely and its head whipped to the northwest, nostrils flared larger than ever before. Without a doubt, everyone knew that the beast was looking directly towards Grand Elder Guru's house.
The mighty dragon suddenly stood on its massive clawed legs and began to plod off in the direction of Grand Elder Guru's, and a sinking feeling in everyone's guts told them that while they had bought some time, it still may not have been enough...