Battle for Planet Namek
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, Captain Ginyu-Vulcan was able to bring all seven Dragonballs to the sealed grounds, despite the best efforts of the heroes. With the planet itself screaming out in pain as the terrifying Agnurop rose to the surface, Captain Ginyu-Vulcan's confidence gave way to panic, and he reluctantly agreed to return to his original body to face the demonic dragon.
The release of Agnurop shook everyone, but even in their powered up states they didn't register as an afterthought to the dragon, who was determined to destroy everything in its path. The Ginyu Force's globeships were first, followed shortly after by the entire southeastern village.
Taking flight to the dragon's back, the plan was to cut down its wings before it could cause even more damage. After a long and hard fought battle with multiple Angurop drones coming to its defense, and the rise of Kukem's Super Saiyan powers, the heroes were victorious in bringing down the mighty beast, but at the cost of Captain Ginyu's life.
Now, with Agnurop's focus set on Grand Elder Guru's house, it's the final battle to finish Agnurop before Planet Namek is destroyed!
Agnurop rose up on its two massive, trunk-like haunches, and a guttural shriek erupted from its mouth. Standing on its back legs, the powerful muscles beneath its armored scales tightened like a wound spring. Suddenly it launched forward into the air, covering an impressive distance in a single leap despite having lost its wings. Without a doubt, the massive dragon would still be able to traverse the distance to Grand Elder Guru's house given enough time, unless something could be done to slow the beast down even further. Its rear legs were much better protected than its wings were, but a concentrated effort would still be able to do the trick.
Kanch powered up further, while Kukem attempted to launch a Devastation Cannon at the beast, though missed. Vulcan used his Talon Whip to grab a hold of Agnurop's left leg, and while successful, only managed to be dragged up into the air with it. Jamaros boosted his reflexes, then launched up into the air and struck with his Purity Claw, managing to cut through some of the armor plating. Another drone pulled out of the dragon's plating, and both it and Agnurop launched crimson energy blasts back at Jamaros, who wore both. With his power gathered, Kanch was then able to launch his Kaiser Blade at the left leg, severing it and causing Vulcan to fall, while two more drones appeared. Kukem fired his Kabuto Flash Spear at the right leg and severed it as well, which caused yet another two drones to appear, while Vulcan twisted midair and managed to cut the drone in half that had attacked Jamaros. Jamaros in turn used his Purity Claw again, this time running the second drone though. The remaining drones split up, one attacking Kanch and missing, while the other two hit Kukem with an exceptional amount of energy.
As the second leg was cut out from underneath Angurop, the gigantic dragon stumbled and fell forward onto its chest and clawed arms, kicking up a mighty billow of dirt and debris as it carved a shallow trench through the ground. The dust storm swelled around the landing zone, and for a few moments there was silence, only the crackling of lightning in the clouds above illuminating the scene. When the dust finally settled, once again they could see the demonic red orbs of the dragon's eyes glowing angrily in their direction. This time when it opened its mouth, the hellish glow from within did not dissipate, and a surging crimson beam erupted forth, enveloping everyone.
Agnurop's nostrils flared again, but this time everyone could sense that it wasn't Grand Elder Guru that it was picking up on. It was them, and Agnurop was pissed.
Kanch powered up once again, as Kukem boosted his reflexes and struck with his Devastation Cannon, though it only singed the dragon's armor. Vulcan began petting Luna, pulling together the energy for his Pink Fluffy Kittens, while yelling, "Someone protect me!" Jamaros found the third drone with another Purity Claw, punching its head clear off, while the other two blasted him in response with their crimson energy. Kanch then struck the fourth drone with his Kaiser Blade, slicing its arm off, while Kukem struck it with his Devastation Cannon, doing significant damage. Agnurop then charged and fired another mighty blast from its mouth, and while Kukem was able to evade, everyone else was struck; Jamaros simply screamed back in response as he was hit.
The crimson energy within Agnurop's mouth faded, though its mouth was still wide open, and a sixth drone appeared nearby from its back. Kanch powered up, but Kukem had a new idea. Grabbing Jamaros, he flew directly into the dragon's mouth and down its throat! Vulcan continued to pet Luna, his attack growing stronger, while the drones all attacked at Kanch, who was able to deftly evade them all. With two Saiyans in its throat, Agnurop gulped in surprise, then clawed randomly at everything in front of it; Kanch was hit and survived, though Vulcan was able to break his concentration and dodge, while the remaining drones all found themselves in the path and were wiped out. In response Kanch flew into Agnurop's nostril, while Vulcan flew in its ear.
"Do as much damage as you can!" Kukem yelled to Jamaros as they arrived inside its stomach, the acids sloshing below them illuminated by their golden Super Saiyan auras. Kukem began to charge his Kabuto Flash Spear, while Jamaros attempted to use his Purity Claw, though the stomach acid absorbed the blow. Kukem then launched his Kabuto Flash Spear, ripping through the lining of the stomach like an ulcer. Meanwhile, Vulcan used his sword to stab at the dragon's brain, though the damage was negligible. Jamaros exited the stomach and with his Purity Claw was able to bruise the dragon's liver. Finally Kanch, now inside the lungs, shredded the insides with his Kaiser Blade and punctured the lungs.
Agnurop suddenly shook violently, knocking Vulcan out of its ear canal, before regurgitating the others back up out of its mouth. Coughing and choking up dark purple blood, Agnurop for the first time showed a new expression in its eyes. Confusion, or perhaps surprise, has caused the dragon to start reconsidering its tactics. Whatever that look was, the fleeting image was quickly replaced with a seething rage as the dragon had now turned its full attention towards the heroes.
As Kanch powered up, Vulcan once again started petting Luna to focus his Pink Fluffy Kittens, while Kukem began charging his Devastation Cannon. Jamaros went for Agnurop's left eye with his Purity Claw but its head whipped away before he could land the attack. Kanch then launched his Kaiser Blade at the same eye, singeing it. As Kukem's attack continued to charge, Jamaros struck again, this time landing his Purity Claw and scarring Agnurop's left eye. The dragon responded with another large blast of energy striking Jamaros.
The stress of Kanch's Kaio Ken x10 strained his body as he maintained it, powering up in spite of the pain. While Vulcan and Kukem continued to charge their attacks, Jamaros attempted to strike a third time at the eye with his Purity Claw, but as his Saiyan Rage dissipated, he found himself unable to land the attack before the head moved out of the way. Seeing what Kukem and Vulcan were doing, Agnurop opened its mouth wide, the crimson energy within broiling as its large attack charged. Kanch powered up a second time, and Kukem and Vulcan both threw their attacks forward, a combined Devastation Cannon and Pink Fluffy Kittens bursting forth towards the dragon. Agnurop's crimson energy blast erupted from its mouth in response, hitting their attacks and pushing them back. Jamaros jumped back and added his own Lone Wolf Bite into the attack, slowing the center-point of the beam battle.
Agnurop added even more energy to its attack, pushing back even further against the heroes, while Kukem, Vulcan, and Jamaros all dug in. Kanch then joined the fray, adding his Makouhou Beam and slowing the attack from Agnurop, but it continued to inch closer as even more energy poured in. Suddenly Agnurop belched forth even more power, and the attacks moved dangerously close to the heroes.
With no time left, Kanch increased to Kaio Ken x15 as his attack increased in size, slowing the move. Vulcan went a step further, increasing to Kaio Ken x25, and his own attack slowed Agnurop's even more. Jamaros added what extra energy his could, his rage used up, and the attacked halted altogether. Finally Kukem, in a last burst of pure rage, screamed with everything he had. Electricity pulsed around him as his hair shot up into even sharper spikes, and with a final pulse of explosive energy, he was consumed by the transformation into Super Saiyan 2 and his energy doubled, giving the last needed boost to begin pushing back on Agnurop's attack.
As the incredible combination of energy blasts from everyone coalesced together, they slowly pushed back on Agnurop's own crimson energy emanating from its mouth. Slowly but surely, the energy inched closer to Agnurop, until with a final explosive scream, everyone gathered one final burst and pushed everything they had into the dragon. Agnurop was enveloped completely in a wash of energy, utterly overwhelming it. It attempted to scream but no voice came as the energy obliterated the demonic dragon. Far into space the combined energy blasts surged, until they caused an explosion that could be seen as a brief glimmering jewel in the dark sky.
With Agnurop's threat finally ended for good, the skies began to brighten and clear. The watered calmed, and the warm glow of Namek's suns once again replaced the darkness and terror from before. A beeping from the Dragon Radar indicated that all seven Dragonballs were still collected together at the sealed grounds, and everyone recalled that a final wish still remained to be granted.
As everyone finally powered down, they wasted no time to return to the sealed grounds, where the glowing Dragonballs awaited the Namekian words to call forth Porunga. As before, the sky darkened and his mighty form burst forth. "You have returned. I grow weary of waiting. State your final wish."
The group took a few moments to discuss how best to state their wish, until finally they asked Porunga to undo Agnurop's destruction and damage. Porunga's ruby-red eyes glimmered and glowed brighter for a moment. "It is done," he stated, and all around the scars of the battles began to fade, with lifeforms once again sensed at the southeastern village. With the final wish granted, Porunga's form glowed and shimmered, and then disappeared. Far above, the seven Dragonballs circled together, then all burst off into separate directions, turning to stone in midair for another Namekian year before they could be collected once again.
A new figure suddenly appeared high in the sky, quickly identified as Nail before he dropped down to greet everyone. "You did it! When we received word that Agnurop had been summoned, I thought it was the end for sure!"
"We-ell... little touch and go there for a bit!" Kukem stammered, rubbing the back of his head. Kanch simply growled in pain in response, as the adrenaline receded and everyone began to feel the wear and tear from the long day of fighting.
Nail bowed deeply before everyone, "You have our deepest thanks, travellers. It if weren't for you, Grand Elder Guru... no, Namek itself may have been lost. You must return to Grand Elder Guru's house with me at once, so he can properly thank you." Everyone agreed, and departed promptly.
Having returned to Grand Elder Guru's house, they took the time to enter through the door, despite the rather large hole in the building's roof being an uncomfortable reminder of the day's earlier battle. Inside, Elder Moori and Dende greeted them warmly, though Guru himself appeared to have somehow aged significantly since last they spoke. "You saved my children, travellers, and for that, I cannot thank you enough."
"You were amazing!" Dende says, smiling ear-to-ear. Elder Moori nodded silently, smiling as well.
As everyone exchanged pleasantries, Nail bowed once again, and then disappeared behind Guru's chair. A moment later, he returned with a runic blade, and handed it to Vulcan. "Please, take this along with our thanks, avian. This blade is an ancient longsword, passed down among the Namekian warriors. I can think of no other person better suited to have such an honor."
While Vulcan accepted the gift, Elder Moori chuckled, "We have something else for you all as well!" He looked down at Dende, who seemed puzzled and confused by the elder's statement.
Guru chuckled, as well, "Indeed, Moori. Young Dende, it has been decided. With Kami gone, these travellers are in need of a new guardian. And we can think of no one with more pure a heart that would be able to fulfill such an honor than yourself. I believe great things are in your future, child, and Earth will welcome you with open arms."
Dende turned around and stammered, "But... but Grand Elder... I'm just a-"
"Nonsense," Guru interrupted. "You will grow into your role with discipline and determination, I have seen it. And perhaps with some time and effort, a new set of Dragonballs will once again grace their planet..." Guru chuckled, coughing at the end.
Elder Moori turned and put a hand on Guru's knee, "Grand Elder, you must rest soon. This day has taken its toll on you."
"Indeed it has, Moori. Sadly, more than you may realize. I am afraid I am not long for this world, and nor will be Porunga nor his Dragonballs."
Dende stepped back in alarm, tears beginning to form in his eyes, "But... no! Grand Elder!"
Guru smiled warmly, and placed a hand gently on Dende's shoulder, "Worry not for me, child. I have lived a long and fulfilling life, and soon I return to my ancestors, as we all must do eventually. Do not be saddened by my departure. Be happy for our future. For because of these travellers, we now have one, and it is bright indeed. Wouldn't you say, Grand Elder Moori?"
"G-grand... Elder?" Moori stammered, "You honor me greatly, but how can I-"
"As Grand Elder Guru did before you, you too shall lead our people into the future," Nail states, bowing towards Moori, "and I shall be there with you every step of the way."
Kukem bowed as well in response to the news. Jamaros attempted to, though his knee gave out and he more kneeled than bowed.
As the celebrations settled, everyone made their way back to their camp, Dende in tow, and packed everything up. Soon their ship was launching back into the atmosphere, and behind they could see the waters glimmering and the lands at peace on planet Namek, safe and secure thanks to their efforts.
Ahead was another six week journey back to planet Earth, and then for the first time in years, some time to enjoy true peace and return to their previous lives. Since that fateful day being called upon by Kami to join him at his lookout, they had been fighting to protect themselves and others from the threats of the galaxy.
With Drimys they conquered death itself to train with King Kai, so they might push back against the Leonid invasions, and convinced their people to re-evaluate their ways of life.
In the midst of betrayal, new friendships and rivalries were formed with the welcoming of two new Saiyans to planet Earth, who helped combat Sagi-Shi and his desire to become lord of his home world at any cost.
On planet Arlia, an ongoing Saiyan invasion almost tore the planet apart amid a revolutionary war between monarchy and rebellion, and through sacrifice and teamwork they stopped the reign of terror and gave the Arlians a chance to rebuild.
And now, with Agnurop's shadow forever faded from the Dragonballs of planet Namek, and Frieza's desire to become immortal thwarted, the Namekians could seek to further their peaceful existence without worry of what may come next.
There may yet be more trouble on the horizon, and still some wrongs to be righted. But those are troubles for tomorrow.
Today, they can finally rest.
Today, they have earned their title.
Today, they are heroes.