World Martial Arts Champion
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Three years have passed since the heroes clashed in an epic battle with Agnurop on planet Namek, ultimately proving victorious and saving the Namekians from annihilation. Since then, the heroes returned to Earth with Dende, who crafted a new set of Earth Dragonballs that allowed the damage from past battles to finally be recovered.
As the years passed, everyone went their separate ways to reflect, train, and resume their previous lives. And with Age 767 dawning, the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai was announced, piquing the interests of everyone. All but Jamaros entered, and Vulcan and Kanch were the first to pit their new strength against one another, with Vulcan narrowly eking out a victory.
Kukem and Tnsumi were next, and as the dust settled, the older Saiyan was victorious and proceeded to battle with Vulcan, but Vulcan's Mental Control was just barely enough to cause the Saiyan to yield the battle to him.
Now, it's down to Vulcan and Sagi-Shi's former minion, Hyo, to fight for the title of World Martial Arts Champion!
Surrounding the main ring on three sides were the grandstands, where the fans of the Tenkaichi Budokai had been relentlessly clamoring for the final fight while workers did their best to repair the damage to the ring itself from the last battle. On the final side was the fighter's entrance, where everyone was gathered just inside to watch. As they gathered together at the fighter's entrance to the main ring, the announcer could be heard outside pumping the audience up for the finale. "Ladies and gentlemen! We have seen some absolutely stellar matches in this tournament! There was the self-proclaimed strongest man in the world, Mr. Satan, and the ice queen herself, Hyo, who quickly snowed in Mr. Satan's advances! We had the green machine, Kanch, and the bird of prey, Vulcan, battle it out, literally butting heads to determine who was made of thicker stuff! There was the two transforming goldilocks, Tnsumi and Kukem, doing their best to see whose light show could outdo the other! And of course we saw Kukem and Vulcan go head-to-head just moments ago for a chance to face off in our next, and final, match!"
With each fighter's name announced the crowd went wild, cheering and screaming. Further inside the entrance, Mr. Satan could be heard muttering to himself as he sat against the wall in his white cape, brown top, and white pants, massaging the rather large welt jutting out of the afro on his head which he received from his ring-out. "What kind of tournament is this, letting tricksters and flashy gimmicks determine who wins? It's not right, I tell ya..."
Behind Mr. Satan, Hyo calmly stepped forward towards the light outside, her eyes rolling slightly as she passed the so-called strongest warrior. She paused in front of Vulcan and looked him up and down, as if summing him up. "See you in the ring."
"Not if you run away first," Vulcan retorted smugly.
from outside, the announcer's droning on caught their ears, "And now, let's give it up for our two finalists, Hyo and Vulcan!" As her name was announced, Hyo stepped out into the light, walking slowly up the steps into the ring and taking her place. Vulcan followed silently, moving into position himself, and awaiting the start of the match.
Immediately Vulcan and Hyo began powering up, but while Vulcan continued, Hyo launched her Frost Blast at him; Vulcan attempted to react with a Deflection and Kaio Ken x90, but the attack tore through and caused considerable damage. Vulcan responded by dashing up to Hyo and slapping her across the face, which she wore valiantly, before blasting him a second time with her Frost Blast, and at that range even Vulcan's increased reflexed couldn't evade in time. Having enough of her energy techniques, Vulcan punched Hyo in the gut, which caused her to jump back to the edge of the ring and begin powering up again, but Vulcan gave chase with a second punch, this time to her face, and finished off with his Pink Fluffy Kittens, however Hyo was able to respond with a Deflection of her own, reflecting the full brunt of his attack back into his face.
As Hyo continued to power up further, Vulcan tried to take account of the situation. Without warning, suddenly a huge energy blast erupted from high above and struck Vulcan, causing a massive explosion. As the dust settled, the crowd continued to roar, but Hyo's expression was one of surprise. "That... that wasn't me!"
Everyone looked around, their eyes eventually searching upwards. As they looked up, a purple alien with antenna-like whiskers and two large holes atop his elongated head could be seen hovering far above, wearing battle armor. "Even that wasn't enough?" he yelled out, startled. "No matter, this still confirms what we needed to know. Lord Frieza's going to reward me for being the first to find you meddlesome weaklings!" He let out a wicked laugh, then launched off to the east, his Power Level now unmasked at three hundred thousand.
"Oh shit... he said Frieza!" Kukem yelled out. Wasting no time, Hyo launched into the sky ahead of everyone, adamant in finding out who interrupted her fight, and leaving the announcer and Vulcan behind in the ring.
Tnsumi put his hand on Kukem's shoulder as he spoke, "We can't delay, cuz. If that's true, we can't let him get a transmission out to Frieza!"
Kukem rushed over to Vulcan, who seemed intent on staying in the ring, "We can't wait, Vulcan, we have to go, now!"
Realizing the danger the scout represented, Vulcan reluctantly obliged and everyone launched into the sky after Hyo and the alien. The tournament grounds and Papaya Island soon gave way to the ocean, and it didn't take long to catch up to the alien, who had landed on a nearby island next to a Globeship and was barking back and forth with Hyo. He suddenly turned to face the group, his scouter making a beeping noise and betray their arrival. "You have the gall to face the great Cui directly? I am one of Lord Frieza's most loyal servants!"
Vulcan, realizing he left his sword behind, launched back into the sky at a blistering pace to retrieve it. Kanch powered up as he responded, "We destroyed the entire Ginyu Force, bud. This is just a taste of what's to come..."
Cui only chuckled in response, "Oh please, your best bet was the bird, and he already ran away. At least your woman here had some degree of a respectable Power Level, but yours isn't even sixty thousand?" He then raised his hand, yelling, "Take this, peasant!" as he launched a huge energy blast at Kanch. Kanch used Kaio Ken x35 as he wore the attack, draining almost all of the two million ki he had generated. Cui laughed again, "You're hopeless!" Kukem and Tnsumi both powered up in response.
As Kanch continued to power up, Cui then turned his attention to Kukem. "Try this on for size, filthy Saiyan!" he growled, launching another huge energy blast. Kukem responded with his Devastation Cannon, blasting through Cui's attack and striking him with a small amount of leftover energy and launching him sever hundred meters away into the side of a mountain. Kukem then powered up again, while Tnsumi decided to waste no time and immediately transformed into Super Saiyan 2 as he powered up further.
While Kanch's Power Level continued to climb, Vulcan returned with his rapier and immediately struck at the mountain with his Blade of Thanatos, collapsing it into a rubble pile on top of Cui. Enraged, Cui burst the rocks away from him, just as Kukem launched his Heaven's Reign high above, but at that distance all the strikes missed. Tnsumi flew over towards Cui, while Kanch went Kaio Ken x35 again and launched his Kaiser Blade at Cui, slicing deep into the alien.
Kanch sent another Kaiser Blade into Cui, but the alien was able to react with a Deflection, reflecting it back at Kanch and launching him away into the sky several hundred meters himself. Vulcan then flew over to Cui at Mach Two, tying him up with his Talon Whip. Cui could only struggle, grunting, "What is this mess?" as Kukem flew over at Mach Two himself, launching a massive point-blank Devastation Cannon, but Vulcan was able to swing Cui out of the way before it hit and Tnsumi had to jump in the way, angling the blast up into the sky with a Deflection.
While Kanch reoriented himself, Vulcan reduced to Kaio Ken x60 and used his grip on Cui to launch the both of them away as a sort of bola, but Kukem was having none of it. now in a state of Saiyan Rage, Kukem went to Mach Four and launched another massive Devastation Cannon, smashing into both Cui and Vulcan, while Tnsumi looked around confused at what had just transpired. "What the..."
Cui dropped to the ground below, coughing up purple blood as he did so, "N-no matter," he struggled, "my scouter has already... transmitted your location... by now Lord Frieza has... already dispatched his vanguard... they're already on the way... and Lord Frieza himself will not be far behind! Your planet... and everyone you know..." As Cui's monologue droned on through his death rattle, Kukem became even more frustrated and blasted the alien's remains yet again. " doooomed!" Cui gargled out, coughing out a final gasping breath before lying motionless.
Everyone gathered back up and powered down, taking in what they just heard about Frieza and his army. While Cui's death was a momentary victory, it was greatly overshadowed by what they knew to be the truth in his words: Frieza himself was coming, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.