The Frieza Force
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, while the heroes were preparing for what was to come, the vanguard of the Frieza Force arrived at planet Earth, launching three simultaneous landings where they knew large Power Levels had been spotted. Kanch and Kukem quickly linked up at West City and encountered the brutish Dodoria, whose physical size and strength held them back until Kukem's rage eviscerated the purple alien menace. With the threat to West City neutralized, both fighters departed as fast as they could to assist Vulcan in his own fight to the northeast.
Meanwhile in Central Capitol, Vulcan took on the stronger Zarbon, who was able to hold his own for some time against his avian opponent. Once Kukem and Kanch arrived, however, he found himself quickly outmatched, and even his ability to transform into a monster form was not sufficient to stem the onslaught.
With his dying breath, Zarbon gave a chilling warning to the victors, noting that even he was nothing compared to the all-powerful Lord Frieza. Whether they're ready for it or not, the time to find out is now!
Two weeks had passed since the landing of the Frieza Force vanguard across planet Earth. Not long after dealing with Zarbon and Dodoria, the heroes returned with Kanch to the west and handled the remaining soldiers at the Red Ribbon Headquarters without issue. Since then, Tnsumi and Jamaros had been securing Capsule Corp from any potential threats, while Kukem, Vulcan, and Kanch returned to Kami's Lookout to rest, recover, and make a battle plan.
Atop the lookout, Hyo had been busy training inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, knowing that the heroes were still in a league of their own, while Mr. Popo provided whatever amenities he could. Paradoxically, each day had seemed to last forever, with them wondering when Frieza's presence would finally be detected arriving to Earth, and at the same time it had felt like no time at all passed since they arrived at the lookout. Still focused on her training, Hyo had been unable to be reached beyond the doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber while they continued to hash out their strategy inside the main building.
"I'm really not looking forward to this..." Kukem muttered, "Frieza is strong. Really strong..."
"Yeah, so am I," Kanch retorted, causing Kukem to blink and tilt his head, before nodding in agreement with a bit of surprise.
As they continued to discuss, a small aircar appeared over the lip of the platform and settled down in the middle. From within Korin popped out, cane in one paw and a small pouch in the other. "Good thing I caught you guys in time," he said as he made his way towards them. "Yajirobe and I just finished our latest batch of senzu beans. Unfortunately we had some trouble with pesticides... well, a lack of pestici- you know what, I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say there's not many this time, but something tells me yer gonna need all the help you can get."
Vulcan held his hand out to take the pouch, but Kukem swatted it away. "No! Last time you got the senzu beans, none of us got any!" Kukem responded, grabbing the pouch himself.
As he took the senzu beans - a quick count revealed only two - Korin scampered back to his aircar, which quickly rose up into the sky. "So long! Give my regards to Yemma if things turn south!" could be heard as the vehicle descended.
Suddenly they could hear a door click behind them, and immediately a massive power could be sensed surging from within. As the heroes turned around, the doors to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber opened, and Hyo stepped out looking like she'd been through hell and back. Beaten, battered, and torn, she nonetheless had a grin of self-satisfaction, and her eyes were positively beaming. Her Power Level was an intense six hundred and seventy-five thousand, placing her firmly as the most powerful bring on the planet in a natural state, but as she relaxed herself, her feet gave way and she collapsed to the ground. "Guess I need to take it easy for awhile, huh..."
Mr. Popo hurried over towards Hyo and put his head under her shoulder, helping her up, "You must rest, Miss Hyo, if you are to get your strength back. Please, come this way." My. Popo led Hyo slowly up a flight of stairs towards a bedroom.
As if on cue, the fateful sense from far above reached everyone. Two incredible Power Levels, one five hundred thousand, and the other - which they concluded must be none other than Frieza - a staggering seven hundred and fifty thousand, with dozens of the smaller Frieza Force signatures they'd dealt with before, were careening towards the planet at a breakneck pace.
While Kukem was only able to determine that they were arriving somewhere to the east soon, Kanch narrowed it with a rudimentary understanding of geography and their trajectory to somewhere northeast of West City in an hour or two. Vulcan, however, was able to conclude that they were going to arrive in an hour and a half, thirty-two hundred kilometers to the northeast of West City, and twelve hundred kilometers west of Central Capitol.
Vulcan turned back to Kukem, alarm in his expression, "We need Hyo for this fight, and a previous enemy is not worth losing the entire planet over."
Kukem grumbled, then sighed with a "... fine," and handed Vulcan one of their two senzu beans.
Vulcan raced back up the stairs to where Hyo was laying down and barged into the room. Glancing up, Hyo looked at Vulcan with a look of suspicion as she steadied herself and rose to her feel shakily. "Why would you give me this..."
"I'm not giving it to you, I'm giving it to the world."
Hyo gingerly placed the senzu bean in her mouth, chewing for a moment before swallowing. Suddenly the cuts and bruises across her body began to fade and she stood firm with a surge of energy. "In... incredible!" she exclaimed. "I feel like i could take on the entire Frieza Force by myself!"
Vulcan shook his head, stating simply, "You couldn't."
Wasting no time, everyone departed for the landing zone. As they got closer they could confirm they were heading in the right direction as they continued to get closer. Eventually they arrived at the expected landing zone, a barren plain with various plateaus in the distance. It was oddly calm in their surroundings, with a gentle breeze wafting through the warm air. "I don't want to do this..." Kukem muttered.
Kanch simply lowered himself into a fighting stance, powering up completely. Kukem and Vulcan powered up slightly in preparation, holding back for the time being, while Hyo also powered up to her maximum.
Soon an object could be spotted high in the sky above, at first just a dot, but as it approached they could see that it was a large circular ship, white with a black ring surrounding the middle, and golden ovoid tanks jutting around with bubble windows between them. More than a dozen spider-like legs extended as landing gear as the massive ship settled down onto the grassy field in front of the heroes, dust whipping up from the large winds generated. A large bulbous viewing window could be seen on the upper portion of the ship, with a shrouded figure inside, but they disappeared after a moment.
A mechanical cranking noise could be heard as two doors began opening on top of the ship, and dozens of Frieza Force soldiers spewed out to take up position in the sky above. A platform then rose from within the door, and two figures could be seen standing atop it. The weaker was a Saiyan with a widow's peak wearing some new form of fighting jacket, and surprisingly, lacking any form of a scouter. The stronger of the two sat diminutively in an egg-shaped floating chair, scouter affixed to their spiked and glistening head, violet battle armor atop their pink striped body, and a tail lazily hanging outside of the chair.
"This is it... this is what we've been searching for? A monkey, a Namekian, and a bird? Surely you jest, Vegeta," the small one quipped.
It's then, Lord Frieza, trust me. They know how to suppress their Power Level, if you'll recall Zarbon's transmission," the Saiyan replied.
"How droll." Frieza responded with a sigh. "Well, hurry up and deal with them, my little pet. We haven't got all day."
The Frieza Force members all began surging towards the heroes at once, beam guns blasting at them as they yelled and screamed. Kanch launched a Makouhou Beam, taking three of the soldiers out, while Kukem tried to clear the air with his Heaven's Reign, though it largely missed. Vulcan jumped back fifty meters and powered up further, before using Kaio Ken x25 and firing two burst of his Pink Fluffy Kittens, though both missed. Hyo used her Frost Blast to fell another two soldiers.
Suddenly several explosions rocked the air around everyone and multiple soldiers dropped out of the sky like swatted flies. "You're all fools," Vegeta muttered, shooting even more of Frieza's minions out of the sky as he hopped down to the ground below. "Hardly worthy of existing, let alone calling yourselves members of the Frieza Force."
With a few more quick blasts, every last member of Frieza's army could be seen collapsed onto the ground around them. Above, Frieza's tail flicked, but it couldn't be seen whether it was out of curiosity or anger. "You better not make me regret bringing you here, Vegeta," he muttered, though the hint of a smile could be seen on his lips.
Vegeta smiled in return, his eyes closed as he walked calmly towards them. "The only ones who will be regretting my presence are them, my lord," he finally answered, stopping and pointing at the heroes. "Prepare to meet your makers, Earthlings. I am the prince of all Saiyans!"
Kanch and Kukem powered up further as Vulcan moved up to Vegeta with a body slam, but Vegeta pushed Vulcan aside as he sidestepped the attack. Hyo used Vulcan as a distraction, coming up over top of him with an axe hand down at Vegeta's head, but he blocked it calmly.
Vegeta jumped back and laughed, "You think your Power Level concern me? You're nothing but insects to me!" No one had noticed it before, but the belt around Vegeta's waist was clearly a tail.
Even in the light of the full day, Vegeta only laughed further as he raised a hand up towards the sky. Suddenly a small Power Ball of energy erupted upwards, the energy signature of which Kukem instantly recognized as the same as what reflects off of a full moon. "Cut it off!" Kukem screamed.
Vegeta suddenly erupted into the transformation to Oozaru, his fighting jacket stretching to accommodate as he towered above everyone with his Power Level now and impressive five million. Even Frieza could be seen arching a brow from atop the ship.
Kanch used Kaio Ken x40, raising his Power Level to nine million, and launched a Kaiser Blade at Vegeta's tail, but the great ape reacted with a massive beam of energy from his mouth, blasting through Kanch's attack and causing him to brace through the strike. Kukem transformed into a Super Saiyan and struck at Vegeta's groin, landing the attack but not causing any damage. Vulcan tried using Mental Control to convince Vegeta to unravel his tail from his waist, and against all odds succeeded. "Get the tail!" he yelled out. In response, Vegeta launched a massive Galick Gun, exploding across hundreds of meters and forcing eveyone to raise defensive Deflections, hurting Kukem and Vulcan. Hyo jumped up and fired her Frost Blast, striking Vegeta directly and burning through over a million of his ki.
Kanch once again tried to use his Kaiser Blade, but Vegeta raised a defensive Deflection himself. Frustrated, Kukem used his Devastation Cannon to no effect. Vulcan increased to Kaio Ken x40 and tried his Talon Whip but even it didn't work.
Vegeta growled and roared, a Saiyan Rage overtaking him and doubling his Power Level, now an immense ten million. Seeing how strong Vegeta truly was, and everyone's ability to keep up, Frieza floated out of his chair, and high above he could be seen starting to glow. His battle armor shattered as he started to grow, his muscles bulking and the spikes atop his head curving upwards. His own Power Level could be sensed at one and a half million as his stature would now tower above even the tallest of the heroes.
Winding up, the enraged great ape directed a punch at Hyo hovering in front of him, landing and sending her reeling back several hundred meters. Kukem's frustration reached the boiling point and his own Saiyan Rage erupted, pushing his Power Level over nine million. As his muscles tensed, he suddenly launched past Vegeta towards Frieza with a punch, but Frieza's hand grabbed the Saiyan's fist, as a wicked smile grew. Kanch increased to Kaio Ken x60, though his body strained under its use, and fired a massive, third Kaiser Blade at Vegeta's tail, doing considerable damage and burning over a million ki from the great ape. Vulcan watched intently as Kukem attacked Frieza directly, and Vegeta jumped up to land with a smashing attack on Kanch, who only laughed in response despite the damage he incurred. Hyo returned with another Frost Blast, but this time Vegeta was ready and counterblasted, causing both attacks to explode midair between them.
Back at the ship, Kukem smiled, "Surprise." and erupted into Super Saiyan 2, firing a point-blank Kabuto Flash Spear, but Frieza was able to release his grip and dodge at the last moment.
Vulcan then flew behind Frieza, grunting, "Hold still, little bugger," as he tried to grab Frieza from behind, but missed. Behind them, the damage to Vegeta's tail finally took its toll and the ripped off, falling to the ground with a loud thud. The shock to Vegeta's system as he began to transform back was took much and the Saiyan was knocked unconscious. As he collapsed to the ground nearby, Frieza's smile dropped for a moment. "Disappointing..." He brought up a hand slowly, pointing a finger at Vegeta, and a crimson beam of energy erupted from the tip towards the unconscious figure.
Seeing what was about to happen, Vulcan used his increased speed, and before the attack could land, he was able to intercept in time, stopping the cold-blooded murder. "Oh ho ho ho! Well this is surprising indeed!" Frieza chuckled. "But no matter. Once I'm done with you, I can deal with his failure separately... it's about time I visited planet Vegeta..." A glint in his eye could tell everyone all they needed to know.
Frieza lowered himself down to the ground in front of the heroes, glowing once again as his shoulders expanded and popped up, while his head began to enlogate with additional spikes protruding. With a Power Level at four and a half million, a wicked smile once again crossed his lips as he spoke. "Now... which one of you is ready to die first?"