Frieza Unleashed
Episode Summary
Dragonball ZT RPG
Last time on Dragonball ZT, while the heroes prepared for the coming battle at Kami's Lookout, Hyo revealed her newfound strength as the strongest individual on planet Earth from her training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. With the help of a senzu bean, Vulcan was able to convince Hyo to join them in the fight against the Frieza Force just in time, as everyone sensed their approach.
In the fields to the west of Central Capitol, Frieza's spaceship finally landed, spewing forth dozens of soldiers ahead, while Vegeta and Frieza took stock of the situation atop the ship. Before the heroes could make a dent in the waves of enemy forces, it was Vegeta himself who struck them all down, preferring to fight the earthlings alone.
Vegeta's oozaru form was a formidable foe, easily standing up to the combined firepower of the heroes. However in state of Saiyan Rage Vegeta left his tail unprotected, giving Kanch time to damage it with his cutting strike. Vegeta's tail eventually separated, rendering him unconscious as he reverted back to his base form.
Now it's just Frieza remaining, already in a third form, and eager to end this once and for all!
While Frieza's Power Level was reading four and a half million, everyone had the sense that it was misleading. The Changeling was supremely confident in his abilities, and even Vegeta's Power Level had pushed ten million earlier. Frieza almost certainly would have more aces up his sleeve to play.
Kanch immediately yelled out, "You!" in response to Frieza's earlier question, launching his Kaiser Blade and breaking through Frieza's deflection.
Vulcan turned to Kukem, "Give Vegeta that last senzu bean, he might help!" but Kukem just shook his head in response. Vulcan sighed and struck at Frieza with his rapier but it was knocked away.
"Die Monkey!" Frieza then screamed as he launched his Frieza Beam at Kukem. Kukem's quick deflection reflected the crimson laserbeam back at Frieza, exploding in his face. Kukem powered up, while Hyo punched the distracted Frieza in the face, and then Kukem launched a massive Devastation Cannon at Frieza, though his aim was off and he instead struck the ship, utterly destroying it.
Kanch fired another Kaiser Blade at Frieza, again cutting through a deflection, while Vulcan's body strained as he attacked, again being blocked. "You destroyed my ship... you are going to pay for that, Monkey..." Frieza uttered, beginning to glow. Kukem responded with another Devastation Cannon, again mission and taking out a nearby mountaintop.
"What the hell?" Hyo gasped.
Frieza jumped back again and grinned, "Well done, earthlings. I must admit, I did not think you had it in you, but congratulations! For you are the first creatures that will have ever laid eyes upon the full, true strength of the mighty Lord Frieza!"
Frieza suddenly began to glow even brighter, but rather than the previous transformations, his stature shrank, until all that remained was a once again diminutive creature, smooth pearly-white skin and violet gleaming orbs surrounding its body, with a muscular tail whipping behind him. His Power Level now stood at an unbelievable eighteen million.
Kanch reduced down to Kaio Ken x10, throwing up a full deflection as Vulcan struck a third time, to no avail as Frieza ducked under the blade. Frieza then moved at blinding speed behind Kukem, whispering, "Boo," as he fired a Frieza Beam into the Saiyan's back, but with a boost of his reflexes, Kukem was able to barely avoid the attack. In response, Kukem turned and launched a Kabuto Flash Spear, but Frieza was ready with a deflection, and the energy bounced off both of them into the sky above. Hyo tried to use her Frost Blast, but was unable to land a hit.
Kanch again used his Kaiser Blade, but Frieza jumped over it, and the strike bounced off Kukem's deflection. Vulcan increased to Kaio Ken x50 at struck, but Frieza grabbed the rapier's blade, grinning. He then turned and used a palm-strike at Kukem's sternum with his free hand, launching him several hundred meters away. Kukem used Mach speed to return to the fight, stopping next to Kanch and handing him the final senzu bean. Hyo found herself in shock at massive displays of power going on around her, while Vulcan pulled back on his sword, freeing it from Frieza's grasp but doing no damage.
Kanch ate the final senzu bean as Friza jumped at Kukem, firing another Frieza Beam at him from above, but a Devastation Cannon counterblast was able to launch Frieza several hundred meters into the sky. Kukem started to charge another, much larger Devastation Cannon, while Vulcan moved next to the Saiyan, charging his own Pink Fluffy Kittens. Hyo tried, but failed to break free of her shock.
With renewed vigor, Kanch surged to Kaio Ken x40, and under Mach speed, flew up to Frieza and blasted him with a Makouhou Beam, launching him a few hundred meters further upwards. However far below, Kukem's Saiyan Rage subsided, and with his ki exhausted, he fell down to Super Saiyan. "Curse you Monkey!!!" Frieza screamed, as he pushed himself to Mach speed and flew down to Kukem, launching a Destructo Disk directly in front of Kukem and cutting him clean in two before Vulcan could react. Vulcan then knocked into Kukem, and the Saiyan's upper half slid to the ground, his life extinguished.
"What did you just do?!?" Vulcan screamed, exploding into Kaio Ken x100, his Power Level over twenty three million as he grabbed Frieza. "You're going to regret that," he growled, squeezing the life out of Frieza as best he could.
Suddenly a new Power Level could be detected as Tnsumi arrived in his Super Saiyan 2 form. Seeing his lifeless cousin's body on the ground, he immediately surged into a Saiyan Rage, his Power Level pushing past twenty nine million. Frieza looked up as the new golden-haired fighter arrived. "Another monkey swinging in to meet its fate, marvelous." Kanch pushed to Kaio Ken x60 and fired a Kaiser Blade, but Frieza wrapped his tail around Vulcan's neck, flipping him in front of the attack, which was only barely stopped by a rear deflection. Frieza then tossed Vulcan free from his hold, and Vulcan struck back with his rapier at Frieza's eye with his Aviary Strike, causing considerable damage. Hyo finally found herself free of her shock as Tnsumi powered up nearby, but Frieza was having nothing of it. "Stupid Monkey," he muttered, launching his Frieza Beam directly through the second Saiyan's chest, and felling him right there.
Kanch pushed himself as far as he dared, going up to Kaio Ken x80, but the strain nearly killed him in doing so. Nonetheless he launched a huge Kaiser Blade, punching through Frieza's deflection with ease. Growling, Frieza then turned to Hyo, and launched his second Destructo Disk, cleaving her head clear off before anyone could stop him. Vulcan screamed out to Kanch, "Distract him!" as he began to power up his Pink Fluffy Kittens multiple times.
"Distract me, will you?" Frieza sneered, launching behind Kanch with his hands placed on his back, and firing and energy blast, though Kanch's deflection stopped it. Kanch turned and fired his Makouhou Beam, but Frieza was able to barely evade.
Restrain Frieza!" Vulcan then screamed, continuing to charge his attack multiple times over yet again. Frieza wouldn't let Kanch start, though, and swung a brutal axe hand at Kanch's head, crushing his skull and flinging the lifeless body away into the dirt.
Frieza suddenly flew up about a hundred meters, glaring down at Kukem. "You bore me, avian. While this has been worth a few good laughs, I'm afraid my patience has been used up. Good riddance!" Frieza raised a finger up above his head, and a small crimson light began to shine, turning into a small ball of energy, but then exploding in size. As Frieza cackled maniacally, he pointed his finger down and the Energy Bomb began to descend directly at Vulcan!
Vulcan finally fired everything he had in his Pink Fluffy Kittens, an attack magnitudes in size larger than what Frieza had launched. As Vulcan attempted to hold back the world-ending attack, he thought of everyone who had put their faith in him. Their courage gave him the last burst of energy he needed to redirect the attack up into space, where it disappeared into the sky. Frieza looked up, tilted his head, and then glanced back down at Vulcan, who was clearly exhausted from the effort. "Ho hum, such wasted talents."
Frieza raised his finger once again, and the Energy Bomb began to form. "Farewell, planet Earth! You have been a thorn in my side long enough, but no more!" Frieza screamed as the attack reached its intended size. Frieza began to drop his finger and -
And suddenly he halted, his eyes growing wide. Vulcan failed to see initially what happened, but Frieza slowly turned around, the Energy Bomb fading from his fingertip. Frieza started to choke out something, but all that came forth was purple blood from his mouth. A thin line of purple could be seen running from his collar to his hip, and as Vulcan focused behind Frieza, he could see a second figure, one that was completely undetectable. It was a strange mix of mechanics, and what appeared to be a Namekian head.
"You bore me," he said, the voice clearly belonging to Piccolo, who everyone had thought was long dead. Android Piccolo raised a robotic hand with two fingers outstretched at Frieza's forehead, and stated rather matter-of-factly, "Special. Beam. Cannon." A twirling beam of energy burst forward and ripped through Frieza's head, obliterating him as he body fell to the ground cut in two halves.
Before Vulcan could feel relief, however, Android Piccolo's focus now turned to him. "And as for you..." He disappeared from Vulcan's vision, and Vulcan suddenly felt something brush around - or through - his neck. Android Piccolo suddenly appeared in front of Vulcan, and Vulcan could feel Android Piccolo's hand holding onto the top of his head. "This is for my son," he said, grinning as blackness started to creep around the edge of Vulcan's vision, and for a moment he could feel himself falling down, but nothing moved. And Vulcan's body felt much further away...
As Vulcan glanced down, the darkness overcoming him, the last thing he could see was his body, collapsed below him, as Android Piccolo released his head and let it drop with a thud to the ground below.