5 years have passed since Goku and his friends thwarted the evil King Piccolo's plans for global conquest. Thanks to their heroic efforts, the shadow of doom was lifted from the world, and a new day of hope has dawned. For in the years since Piccolo's defeat, it has been a time of rebuilding, healing, prosperity, and peace for the citizens of Earth.
Dragonball ZT RPG
But unknown to them, at this very moment a new threat to humankind is hurtling through the solar system. And as the mysterious invader makes its final approach to Earth, one thing is certain: the peaceful era the human race has enjoyed for the last 5 years is about to come crashing to an end!
... At least, this was the opening moments of the original timeline for Universe 7. For reasons as yet unknown, somehow history has been meddled with. A new timeline has diverged, careening down a different yet eerily similar path, and Earth's new heroes are being called to action...